Hi, I have trained a YoloV8 model and converted its weights .pt file to blob using tools.luxonis.com. The converted blob file when I use in pipeline of YoloNetwork. It is thowing below error.
[184430101107FB0F00] [] [5.721] [DetectionNetwork(1)] [critical] Fatal error in openvino 'universal'. Likely because the model was compiled for different openvino version. If you want to select an explicit openvino version use: setOpenVINOVersion while creating pipeline. If error persists please report to developers. Log: 'softMaxNClasses' '157' 'CMX memory is not enough!'.
[184430101107FB0F00] [] [10.516] [system] [critical] Fatal error. Please report to developers. Log: 'Fatal error on MSS CPU: trap: 00, address: 00000000' '0'
I tried to change the version using
pipeline.setOpenVINOVersion to ('VERSION_2021_4', 'VERSION_2022_1', 'VERSION_UNIVERSAL') . But with all these versions its throwing same above error. How to resolve this?