We wrote a script that is able to save RGB data in avi format and store the depth arrays as numpy arrays. The amount of frames in the video and depthmaps are equal in the end. but for every recording, the depth has a couple of frames delay when playing back.
Whenever I manually check the frames, and match them (lets say the depth lacks 10 frames behind), and I delete the first 10 depth frames, the rest is completely in sync. The number of frames that have this offset varies between 0 and 10 ish for every recording, also different for each camera when recording with multiple cameras.
Any idea what could be the case for this?

Our code looks as follows:

import argparse
from pathlib import Path
import depthai as dai
import cv2
import numpy as np
from loguru import logger
import time
import contextlib
import threading
from utils import create_luxonis_pipeline, verify_directories

def worker(devInfo, stack, dic):
    openvino_version = dai.OpenVINO.Version.VERSION_2021_4
    device: dai.Device = stack.enter_context(dai.Device(openvino_version, devInfo, False))
    dic[f"rgb-" + devInfo.getMxId()] = device.getOutputQueue(name="rgb", maxSize=1, blocking=False)
    if args.record_depth is True:
        dic[f"dep-" + devInfo.getMxId()] = device.getOutputQueue(name="depth", maxSize=1, blocking=False)

def print_time(start, end):
    diff = end - start
    total_seconds = round(diff, 0)
    minutes, seconds = divmod(total_seconds, 60)
    logger.info(f"time elapsed while recording:  {int(minutes)} minutes and {int(seconds)} seconds.")

def record_videos(args):
    # find all the available cameras and setup the device streams
    device_infos = dai.Device.getAllAvailableDevices()

    while len(device_infos) != int(args.n_cams):
            f"Could find {len(device_infos)} cameras, which is not the requested amount "
            f"({args.n_cams}). Trying again in {2} seconds")
        device_infos = dai.Device.getAllAvailableDevices()

    mxIds = []
    for info in device_infos:

    with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack:
        queues = {}
        threads = []
        for mxId in mxIds:
            time.sleep(1)  # Currently required due to XLink race issues
            _, devMxID = dai.Device.getDeviceByMxId(mxId=mxId)
            thread = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(devMxID, stack, queues))

        for t in threads:
            t.join()  # Wait for all threads to finish

        # create separate save folders for each camera
        for mxid in mxIds:
            mxid_path = Path(args.save_path).joinpath(args.folder_name).joinpath(mxid)
            Path(mxid_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

        # Create output writers;
        fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"XVID")
        video_writers = {
            f"{name}": cv2.VideoWriter(f"{args.save_path}/{args.folder_name}/{name.split('-')[1]}/{name}.avi",
            fourcc, args.output_fps, (1280, 800)) for name, _ in queues.items() if "rgb" in name

        frame_idx_dict = {}
        for key, value in queues.items():
            if "dep" in key:
                frame_idx_dict[key] = 0

        time_start = time.time()
        time_check = args.print_every
        logger.info("Started recording video! Press the q key to quit.")
        while True:
            # do print time check
            if args.print_every != 0:
                end_time = time.time()
                if (end_time-time_start) >= time_check:
                    print_time(time_start, end_time)
                    time_check += args.print_every

            input_images = {name: queue.get().getCvFrame() for name, queue in queues.items()}
            if len(input_images.keys()) == 2 * int(args.n_cams):
                for name in input_images.keys():
                    if "rgb" in name:
                        cv2.imshow(name, input_images[name])
                        # pass
                    if "dep" in name:
                        if args.show_depth is True:
                            cv2.imshow(name, input_images[name])
                        frame_idx_dict[name] += 1
                        # pass
                        if args.record_depth:

            if cv2.waitKey(1) == ord('q'):
                time_end = time.time()
                print_time(time_start, time_end)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Capture and save videos from multiple cameras.")
    parser.add_argument("--save_path", type=str, required=True, help="Absolute path to store the videos")
    parser.add_argument("--n_cams", type=int, default=1, help="Number of cameras to record with. default is 1")
    parser.add_argument("--folder_name", type=str, required=False, help="How to name the newly created folder with data, default is timestamp") # assert if folder name exists
    parser.add_argument("--record_depth", type=bool, default=True, help="Store depth maps as numpy arrays, default is True")
    parser.add_argument("--show_depth", type=bool, default=False, help="Show the depth maps while streaming, default is False")
    parser.add_argument("--output_fps", type=int, default=15, help="frames per second for which the video is formatted, default is 15")
    parser.add_argument("--print_every", type=int, default=0, help="Print every N seconds how much time has been recorded, default is 0, which means no printing")
    ## pipeline settings here
    parser.add_argument("--input_fps", type=int, default=15, help="(maximum) frames per second the camera can output, default is 15")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    args.save_path, args.folder_name = verify_directories(args.save_path, args.folder_name)

    Hi Tsjarly
    The delay you are experiencing between the RGB and depth frames is likely due to the difference in the time it takes to process and retrieve these frames from the queues. Depth processing typically takes longer than simple image capture, which can introduce a delay.

    Maybe try using .getTimestampDevice() to match the timestamps at which both rgb and depth were taken. Then compute the delay and sync them using this delay.


      jakaskerl Are you suggesting this as a way to sort of post-process the data? as in I can find out how many frames I should delete/shift based on the time difference?
      Or is there a more systematic way to get the frames to match before saving them in the first place

        Hi Tsjarly
        As I understand there is a problem with the recording portion, since timestamps of saved rgb frames does not match the timestamp of the depth frame, despite recording the same amount of frames?

        That could be solved by checking the timestamps and deleting the non-matching frames.


        yes, indeed!
        So for example if I record 200 frames of data, my video will be 200 frames long, and I have 200 separate depth maps.
        If I would delete the mismatched depth frames, my video would be longer than the depth 'video'. so then I would also have to cut the video at the end if I would want to remain an equal amount of frames.

        If this is the way to do it, I will try to figure it out, but I was just wondering whether perhaps there would be some function that would already sync or align the queues, more internally

          I think the next depthAI API version implements some new way of syncing (like a sync node or something similar).


          perfect! if you could add a link here to the documentation/example at the time it will be released, that would be amazing 🙂 thank you

          Hi @jakaskerl,

          I wasn't sure whether the new API has already been released or not.
          I tried implementing the timestamp approach, where it only starts saving the depth frames once, the time difference between rgb and d is at the lowest (so before the time-difference starts increasing again). this seems to be around 15ms maximum for different runs. However in the resulting video, there still seems to be an offset of 1 or 2 frames occasionally, sometimes too late, sometimes too early.

          Anyhow, I was wondering if the API is available yet, and otherwise whether it would be possible to combine these two example scripts, this one to sync camera streams and this one to sync different cameras.
          Would this theoretically be able to output 3 cameras, rgb and depth, (so 6 streams) all in sync?

            Hi Tsjarly
            API is out as of today: luxonis/depthai-pythonreleases/tag/v2.24.0.0

            Examples can be found under examples/sync.

            Tsjarly Would this theoretically be able to output 3 cameras, rgb and depth, (so 6 streams) all in sync?

            In theory, yes. Each device would sync its own cameras, then the host will sync the devices.


            So this one should solve the syncing between rgb and depth than.
            and the older one is still valid for syncing multiple cameras? or can this new node syncing also be used to sync different cameras?

              Hi Tsjarly

              Tsjarly So this one should solve the syncing between rgb and depth than.


              Tsjarly and the older one is still valid for syncing multiple cameras? or can this new node syncing also be used to sync different cameras?

              You will still have to use the old example. Current state of sync nodes does not allow for cross device syncing. Might be added in the future though.


                jakaskerl coolio! I will look into getting it to work next week 🙂 thanks again