
I have started with my OAK-D on Mac
First, I was following the instructions and have got the demo script working. BUT, only for the color camera, no depth was available. I was trying to solve this issue, not sure what I have done, but now it shows me "X_LINK_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND" error and not working at all.

I can see the USB device is connected:

But the script is not working:

Ok. As usual, I was too fast writing the post.
The problem was with the device boot. I have plugged and connected again the power with USB not disconnected and this somehow made the device behave wrong.
What helped:

  1. disconnect the device from both power and USB,
  2. connect power
  3. wait 30 sec
  4. connect USB

BUT! The stereo is still not working. I am getting this again:

So, help is still required

    Hello Val, thanks for circling back with the solution to your issue!
    We apologize for your depth issue, we have had similar occurrence at another user where one of the mono camera was disconnected (or not connected properly), resulting in OAK-D not being able to perform disparity depth. Note that we do test all our hardware before sending it out to our users so this could only happen during shipment.
    Could you try running this example code and posting the output? It should print out all connected cameras. Also if both mono (left,right) cameras are detected, could you also try running both mono cameras and check if they output mono frames as expected?
    Thanks, Erik

    • Val replied to this.

      erik Hi, Eric. Thanks for your answer.

      Here is an output:

      And this is an output from another script:
      [14442C10A19060D700] [57.915] [system] [error] Attempted to start Mono Left camera - NOT detected!

      So, looks like you are right and it is a hardware problem. I have received the package with no issues. No signs of damage on the box or on the device.

      • erik replied to this.

        Hello Val, sorry again for the inconvenience. I believe you could try reconnecting the left camera to the board (first opening up the enclosure). I just asked the team internally if this should be the way to go (to not mess with the calibration of the mono cameras) and I will circle back with the suggested action to fix this.
        Thanks, Erik

        Hello @Val, could please you email us your shipping details to support@luxonis.com so we can send you a new OAK-D (with no expense to you)? We believe this would be the best action to solve the issue.
        Thanks, Erik

        5 months later

        I think installing depthai_experiments causes something similar too. (Or maybe the requirements for a single experiment.)

        Here's the output trying to run depthai_hand_tracker after installing depthai_experiments:

        XXXXX@XXXXX:/workdrive/Repositories/oak-d-lite/depthai_hand_tracker$ python3 demo.py -e -g --lm_model lite
        Palm detection blob     : /workdrive/Repositories/oak-d-lite/depthai_hand_tracker/models/palm_detection_sh4.blob
        Landmark blob           : /workdrive/Repositories/oak-d-lite/depthai_hand_tracker/models/hand_landmark_lite_sh4.blob
        PD post processing blob : /workdrive/Repositories/oak-d-lite/depthai_hand_tracker/custom_models/PDPostProcessing_top2_sh1.blob
        Sensor resolution: (1920, 1080)
        Internal camera FPS set to: 36
        Internal camera image size: 1152 x 648 - pad_h: 252
        Creating pipeline...
        Creating Color Camera...
        Creating Palm Detection pre processing image manip...
        Creating Palm Detection Neural Network...
        Creating Palm Detection post processing Neural Network...
        Creating Hand Landmark pre processing image manip...
        Creating Hand Landmark Neural Network (2 threads)...
        Pipeline created.
        [184430101116701200] [7.841] [NeuralNetwork(4)] [warning] Network compiled for 4 shaves, maximum available 13, compiling for 6 shaves likely will yield in better performance
        Pipeline started - USB speed: HIGH
        [184430101116701200] [8.073] [NeuralNetwork(8)] [warning] Network compiled for 4 shaves, maximum available 13, compiling for 6 shaves likely will yield in better performance
        [184430101116701200] [8.085] [NeuralNetwork(4)] [warning] The issued warnings are orientative, based on optimal settings for a single network, if multiple networks are running in parallel the optimal settings may vary
        [184430101116701200] [8.085] [system] [error] Attempted to start Color camera - NOT detected!
        [184430101116701200] [8.085] [NeuralNetwork(8)] [warning] The issued warnings are orientative, based on optimal settings for a single network, if multiple networks are running in parallel the optimal settings may vary
        ^CTraceback (most recent call last):
          File "demo.py", line 85, in <module>
            frame, hands, bag = tracker.next_frame()
          File "/workdrive/Repositories/oak-d-lite/depthai_hand_tracker/HandTrackerEdge.py", line 462, in next_frame
            in_video = self.q_video.get()

        ...and running the depthai_demo.py:

        XXXXX@XXXXX:/workdrive/Repositories/oak-d-lite/depthai$ python3 depthai_demo.py 
        Using depthai module from:  /home/drew/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/depthai.cpython-38-x86_64-linux-gnu.so
        Depthai version installed:
        Version mismatch between installed depthai lib and the required one by the script. 
                        Run: python3 install_requirements.py 

        Disconnecting for 30 seconds and reinstalling the requirements for the depthai repo resolved my problem:
        python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

        2 years later

        Hi, @eric-soderberg
        I'm working on project where im using the tracker and i keep seeing this mistake everytime i try to reload demo.py

        Palm detection blob : C:\Users\praktyki.DESKTOP-F519C06\depthai_hand_tracker\models\palm_detection_sh4.blob

        Landmark blob : C:\Users\praktyki.DESKTOP-F519C06\depthai_hand_tracker\models\hand_landmark_lite_sh4.blob

        Traceback (most recent call last):

        File "c:\Users\praktyki.DESKTOP-F519C06\depthai_hand_tracker\demo.py", line 59, in <module>

        tracker = HandTracker(

        File "c:\Users\praktyki.DESKTOP-F519C06\depthai_hand_tracker\HandTracker.py", line 130, in init

        self.device = dai.Device()

        RuntimeError: Failed to find device after booting, error message: X_LINK_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND
        Can u help me with this issue?
        Thank you,

        Oh, and when i try to tru comm with "python/python3" it's not working. Using "py" is working
        this is the tracker, and my camera is OAK-D-Pro

        Hi @praktyki
        Can we move this to a separate thread since the issue is not related and should show in all examples?
