I powered the board with an external power supply and things seem better, but I still have issues.
With the following parameters, I get the result in the video below
tofConfig.enableOpticalCorrection False
tofConfig.enablePhaseShuffleTemporalFilter True
tofConfig.phaseUnwrappingLevel 1
tofConfig.phaseUnwrapErrorThreshold 300
tofConfig.enableFPPNCorrection None
tofConfig.median MedianFilter.MEDIAN_OFF
tofConfig.enableTemperatureCorrection False
I still get errors at the start of the script, but it still runs:
[2024-07-03 11:06:34.215] [depthai] [warning] [14442C10019342D200] [1.2] Flashed bootloader version 0.0.26, less than 0.0.28 is susceptible to bootup/restart failure. Upgrading is advised, flashing main/factory (not user) bootloader. Available: 0.0.28
Connected cameras: [{socket: CAM_A, sensorName: S5K33D, width: 640, height: 480, orientation: AUTO, supportedTypes: [TOF], hasAutofocus: 0, hasAutofocusIC: 0, name: color}, {socket: CAM_B, sensorName: IMX296, width: 1440, height: 1080, orientation: AUTO, supportedTypes: [MONO], hasAutofocus: 0, hasAutofocusIC: 0, name: left}, {socket: CAM_C, sensorName: IMX296, width: 1440, height: 1080, orientation: AUTO, supportedTypes: [MONO], hasAutofocus: 0, hasAutofocusIC: 0, name: right}]
[14442C10019342D200] [1.2] [5.728] [ToF(0)] [error] Couldn't read CCM EEPROM: I/O error
[14442C10019342D200] [1.2] [5.728] [ToF(0)] [error] Error: fppn_80 Could not read header data.
Here is what I get by playing with some parameters

(Here it flickers a lot)

Also here is what I get looking at the raw values of the depth map
Would love to get some help on this !