Yes, the actual error, X_LINK_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND, is consistent. Appears with any cable and in any code.
I cant remember if was exactly after a calibration process when the framework started to crash, not 100% sure but near. I thought was relevant in terms of CPU use.
The line was: python3 calibrate.py -s 1.6 -nx 17 -ny 9 -brd calibdata.json
And the calibdata.json:
"name": "Custom FFC",
"revision": "R1M0E1",
"CAM_B": {
"name": "right",
"hfov": 120,
"type": "color",
"extrinsics": {
"to_cam": "CAM_C",
"specTranslation": {
"x": 500,
"y": 0,
"z": 0
"r": 0,
"p": 0,
"y": 0
"CAM_C": {
"name": "left",
"hfov": 120,
"type": "color"
"left_cam": "CAM_C",
"right_cam": "CAM_B"
I can send you the calibration.py by email. I cant do it here because its too big but the only change I did was
line 556: cam_node.setResolution(dai.ColorCameraProperties.SensorResolution.THE_1440X1080)
Yes, without cameras I dont have the problem. The cameras work with a Raspberry Pi and I have others orange cables and RPI UC 244 adapters and I have tested everything so I assume that the problem is not there.