• Hardware
  • Oak D Lite Hardware Triggering Clarification

I'm looking at the documentation for the Oak D cameras and was very surprised the cameras are only software synchronized, and that hardware synchronization only gets "sub ms" accuracy.

  1. Would it be correct that this "sub ms" is in reference to how if we have a stereo camera, one camera is FSYNC output, and the other is FYSNC input?
  2. In this page [Hardware message syncing], to my understanding the Oak D Lite uses the OV7251 sensor, the page says (in regards to FSYNC support) "Should have same support as OV9*82, but not yet implemented", has this been updated? or will there be? Because I see that the page included PCB pads for where the FSYNC IN are. So I was going to use an Arduino to produce a PWM signal to trigger them cameras
  3. Are there any OAK-D cameras where the stereo-camera pair are hardware triggered with no time delay?


  • erik replied to this.

    Hi chutsu ,

    1. Correct. With sub-ms it's actually sub-us, but CPU needs some time before it can assign timestamp to it (below 50us), so we just say sub-ms.
    2. Continuous FSYNC is supported, but AFAIK the trigger/snapshot isn't yet.
    3. None of them have time delay - all stereo pairs are HW synced.

    Thanks, Erik

    Thanks for the reply. So I take it all timestamp-ing is done on the host rather than device. Is there a device timestamp (e.g. starts from 0)? I ask because in VIO the timestamps are particularly sensitive to time-delays between sensors and it would be nice to know.