I'm looking at the documentation for the Oak D cameras and was very surprised the cameras are only software synchronized, and that hardware synchronization only gets "sub ms" accuracy.
- Would it be correct that this "sub ms" is in reference to how if we have a stereo camera, one camera is FSYNC output, and the other is FYSNC input?
- In this page [Hardware message syncing], to my understanding the Oak D Lite uses the OV7251 sensor, the page says (in regards to FSYNC support) "Should have same support as OV9*82, but not yet implemented", has this been updated? or will there be? Because I see that the page included PCB pads for where the FSYNC IN are. So I was going to use an Arduino to produce a PWM signal to trigger them cameras
- Are there any OAK-D cameras where the stereo-camera pair are hardware triggered with no time delay?