- Edited
Hah! Found it! hostapd is blocking wlp1s0! After stopping the service, the link to my WLAN comes up. This is reproducible, since hostapd is running after each reboot… I am not too familiar with systemd and not at all with hostapd: Quick hint or pointer on how to disable the automatic start on reboot?
@Mike Do you have any hint which 1.13 to pick? Running on 1.12. And which URL do I need to provide to mender: To the directory, to the *.mender file…(I guess: the latter)? Sorry if these are stupid questions, but "mender -install <link_to_firmware>" isn't that conclusive with respect to what the link should point to
BTW: I just measured the surface tempratire (just on the top of the rae): 54°C after ca. 30-45min fighting with the WLAN config, see above. Doesn't sound right to me. I am now starting to get kicked out of the ssh session again and can't reconnect…
root@keembay:~# wpa_supplicant -i wlp1s0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -B
Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
root@keembay:~# client_loop: send disconnect: Connection reset
Shutdown via double click stopped working, too, only hard shutdown will work then.