• DepthAI
  • Fatal error. Please report to developers. Log: 'StereoSipp' '531'

The full error code is:

[14442C10B12849D200] [1363.514] [system] [critical] Fatal error. Please report to developers. Log: 'StereoSipp' '531'

Just reporting to safety reasons.

What I was doing:
Inferencing using the human-pose-estimation-0007 .
Note: The host PC was a bit strained, and the room I am in, is a bit warm.

VMWare Workstation 15.0+
Ubuntu 20.04
Python 3.6+

  • erik replied to this.

    Hello tarocal ,
    are you using rgb-stereo alignment together with subpixel mode? Does it crash immediately or after some time? If so, we are investigating this issue and we apologize for the inconvenience.
    Thanks, Erik

    Thanks for the reply.

    I am using Sub-pixel mode, (with left right check as also true). I am not sure, what rgb-setreo alignment is or if I am using it. How do I check that? Extended disparity is, of course, false ,with depth.setMedianFilter(dai.StereoDepthProperties.MedianFilter.KERNEL_7x7)

    It does run for a while before crashing. And it doesn't happen always.

    Hope I am not damaging the hardware.

    Also, using DepthAI

    • erik replied to this.

      Hello tarocal,
      thank you for the report, I believe it's a known issue. You should get a [warning] when starting the pipeline, saying that subpixel/extended mode isn't stable with some nodes (NeuralNetwork/ImageManip/SpatialCalculator), if I remember correctly. And don't worry, you are not damaging the HW 🙂
      Thank you for understanding, Erik

      8 days later

      Hi! Just wanted to report that I received the same 'StereoSipp' error. It was after the program was running for 30+min.

      When starting the pipeline I did get a [warning] as @erik mentioned:

      [14442C100173C9D200] [31.603] [system] [warning] Stereo subpixel/extended mode
      is not stable when one of the following nodes are enabled: 'ImageManip'
      StereoDepth config options:
         Left-Right check:  True
         Extended disparity: False
         Subpixel:          True
         Median filtering:  MedianFilter.MEDIAN_OFF
      <depthai.Pipeline object at 0x7fd5155dd370>
      Creating DepthAI device
      Starting pipeline

      Is there a permanent limitation making subpixel mode unstable? Or is it something that can / will be fixed? Thanks for any information!

      • erik replied to this.

        aromm It's something it can and will be fixed, we are still investigating it. Sorry for the trouble.
        Thanks, Erik