We tried asking Luxonis for paid support, but it seems they are not interested in this business model. This is strange from an Open Source company because most companies providing open source have a paid support model. Therefore, we are looking for a freelancer/contractor/company who has extensive experience with Luxonis OAK devices and who are able and willing to provide paid support for very difficult problems and bugs that we are discovering.
Please read my other posts in this forum and if you are able to solve most of them, please send us an email to info@craftonix.com
A sample of the problems we are having:
The biggest bug is that the camera randomly "freezes" and we cannot get any more frames. I'm displaying a frame counter (incremented in the callback) on the Visualizer, and when the frame seems to be "frozen" (i.e. not updating the video feed anymore), the frame count does not increase but the keyboard still works to send keys and the command:
key = oakc.poll()
still works to read the key, but the callback is not being called. We can poll the webserver root ( but we cannot get the image at So, it seems the webserver node is still working but something in the pipeline is frozen.
- Luxonis claim that these devices do not need an internet connection to work, but behind the scenes they send messages to sentry.luxonis.com, which is a privacy concern for us, but also their support people here claim that this cannot be disabled. This is causing us a lot of headache because our devices do not always have internet access.
- We bought the OAK-D PoE series 2 after contacting Luxonis and they advised us to go with this model because one of our requirements was eMMC for standalone operation and storing data internally. They shipped us Series 2 device without the eMMC populated. So, they advised us to buy the Series 1, which we did. After starting a new post in this forum that we cannot write to the EMMC in the series 1, they still have not helped us to be able to do it.