Just to close this thread:
I now have everything working.
The issue was my ignorance of connectors. I simply plugged in the wrong cable.
I am a newbie to device related things (and yes, connectors) so when I opened the OAK-D wifi package/box I installed all software as directed and plugged in the first of two cables that were included in the box. Turns out I plugged in the wrong cable. But when lsusb returned acknowledgment of a plugged in device I jumped to the conclusion my problem was either install based or a damaged device. When lsusb returned "CP2102N USB to UART Bridge Controller" this should have been a flag to me. I just didn't understand the flag. As Erik mentioned previously what should have appeared was 'Movidius Ltd. Movidius MyriadX'.
This is on me. Totally. An extremelly silly error. The device is amazing.
What could have helped me as a newbie to get to a solution more quickly was a more explicit listing on the landing page of the cables included in the box. Labelling of the device image ie:(connectors) on the landing page would also have helped me to better understand the device.
Thanks for your help. The suggestions above are just meant to help the next newbie.