I need to specify the local file of the model because the code will run without internet access.
This code works and I can see tracklets:
with OakCamera(replay='people.mp4') as oak:
cam = oak.create_camera('color')
nn = oak.create_nn('yolov8n_coco_640x352', cam, tracker=True)
So, I copied the file from ~/.cache/blobconverter
to my local .models
directory. This code works but I cannot see tracklets:
with OakCamera(replay='people.mp4') as oak:
cam = oak.create_camera('color')
nn = oak.create_nn('./models/yolov8n_coco_640x352_openvino_2022.1_6shave.blob', input=cam, nn_type='yolo', tracker=True)
What should I add so that the second code block works the same as the first code block?