OK, I did the factory reset, scanned the QR code, and got this log trying to start the default app.
09:29:03App crashed with exit code: 47
09:46:17INFO | on_start:34 => Starting the app...
09:46:17INFO | start:95 => ROS2 context initialized.
09:46:18INFO | start:98 => Created ROS2 node with name: base_container...
09:46:18INFO | _spin:106 => rlcpy thread> Start
09:46:18INFO | start:103 => Node started!
09:46:18INFO | create_publisher:152 => Creating /cmd_vel publisher
09:46:18INFO | create_subscriber:174 => Creating /battery_status subscriber
09:46:18ERROR | _run:165 => App crashed during initialization
09:46:18Traceback (most recent call last):
09:46:18 self.on_start()
09:46:18 File "/lib/robothub/app.py", line 161, in _run
09:46:18 File "<string>", line 82, in init_streams
09:46:18IndexError: list index out of range
09:46:18 File "<string>", line 39, in on_start
09:46:18INFO | on_stop:42 => Stopping the app...
09:46:18INFO | _spin:112 => rlcpy thread> Done
09:46:18INFO | stop:125 => Destroying ROS2 node...
09:46:18INFO | _destroy_publishers_and_subscribers:138 => Destroying /cmd_vel publisher...
09:46:18INFO | _destroy_publishers_and_subscribers:142 => Destroying /battery_status subscriber...
09:46:18INFO | stop:131 => Shutting down ROS2 context...
09:46:22INFO | on_start:34 => Starting the app...
09:46:22INFO | start:95 => ROS2 context initialized.
09:46:23INFO | start:98 => Created ROS2 node with name: base_container...
09:46:23INFO | _spin:106 => rlcpy thread> Start