• RAE Updates over WIFI fail / poor wifi operation

I may be having the same issue expressed a little differently… I tried to see what adding apps did, and the device has been hung for an hour or so. Seemed to be going alright until I initiated that action.

  • J-- replied to this.

    Everything seemed to work in the videos. What fw version and apps were used there. They shown many cool things but when we get it, well… I mean I got excited to see the wheels move.

      SeanKMcGinnis Maybe I can help you turn it from a paperweight to pocket warmer! Looked back on your first post and you have the exact problem I did at first. I supposed you clicked update firmware. You will have to reset ssh keys to reconnect. In linux i use "ssh-keygen -R your-hostname". I think its the same in windows powershell. If you manage to connect, copy the fw from link that AkilChien posted to rae. I used v1.12. In rae shell, go to directory of the fw file and type "mender -install luxonis-1.12.dm-verity.mendor; reboot". This should get you back to the point of connecting with Robothub. With the rea default app, you should be able to view camera and see wheels move while getting extreamly hot. If you want it to drive around and not sitting on top of your router, well, I'm still working on that.

      James had the same issue with the same app. I gave up after a little over two hours. Ended up resetting to factory. Haven't tried to download that one again.

      I got mine this afternoon and things went well until I actually tried to use the app. I could see the live video for the device, but the default app kept starting and stopping every few seconds.

      here's my error log:

      22:59:37Sentry is attempting to send 2 pending events

      22:59:37Waiting up to 2 seconds

      22:59:37Press Ctrl-C to quit

      22:59:41Error in App definition: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/app/app.py'

      22:59:41Traceback (most recent call last):

      22:59:41 except Exception as err: print(f'Error in App definition: {err}'); raise err;

      22:59:41 File "/launch.py", line 4, in <module>

      22:59:41 File "/launch.py", line 5, in <module>

      22:59:41 try: exec(open("/app/app.py").read())

      22:59:41FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/app/app.py'

      22:59:43[2023-09-29 05:59:43.779] [depthai] [warning] USB protocol not available - If running in a container, make sure that the following is set: "-v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb --device-cgroup-rule='c 189:* rmw'"

      23:00:38[2023-09-29 06:00:38.211] [depthai] [warning] USB protocol not available - If running in a container, make sure that the following is set: "-v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb --device-cgroup-rule='c 189:* rmw'"

      23:00:41Error in App definition: No module named 'robothub_core'

      23:00:41 File "/launch.py", line 5, in <module>

      23:00:41Traceback (most recent call last):

      23:00:41 except Exception as err: print(f'Error in App definition: {err}'); raise err;

      23:00:41 File "/launch.py", line 4, in <module>

      23:00:41 try: exec(open("/app/app.py").read())

      23:00:41 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/robothub_oak/init.py", line 3, in <module>

      23:00:41 from robothub_oak.application import *

      23:00:41 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/robothub_oak/application.py", line 11, in <module>

      23:00:41 File "<string>", line 2, in <module>

      23:00:41 import robothub_core

      23:00:41ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'robothub_core'

      So far only the Default App works. You have to uninstall that to install any other app. Counter App will lock up Robohub web installer even though your Rae is fine, but still requires you to factory reset your Rae to connect back up with Robohub. No other app works without Robohub Core or something like that that.

      and where would I find the instructions for doing a factory reset?

      • J-- replied to this.

        TomMunnecke hold a pin to the reset button -underside of rae next to the power button. Hold for 10 seconds. Maybe a little more. A hard reset [not factory] is an 8 sec hold on the power button

        OK, I did the factory reset, scanned the QR code, and got this log trying to start the default app.

        09:29:03App crashed with exit code: 47

        09:46:17INFO | on_start:34 => Starting the app...

        09:46:17INFO | start:95 => ROS2 context initialized.

        09:46:18INFO | start:98 => Created ROS2 node with name: base_container...

        09:46:18INFO | _spin:106 => rlcpy thread> Start

        09:46:18INFO | start:103 => Node started!

        09:46:18INFO | create_publisher:152 => Creating /cmd_vel publisher

        09:46:18INFO | create_subscriber:174 => Creating /battery_status subscriber

        09:46:18ERROR | _run:165 => App crashed during initialization

        09:46:18Traceback (most recent call last):

        09:46:18 self.on_start()

        09:46:18 File "/lib/robothub/app.py", line 161, in _run

        09:46:18 File "<string>", line 82, in init_streams

        09:46:18IndexError: list index out of range

        09:46:18 File "<string>", line 39, in on_start


        09:46:18INFO | on_stop:42 => Stopping the app...

        09:46:18INFO | _spin:112 => rlcpy thread> Done

        09:46:18INFO | stop:125 => Destroying ROS2 node...

        09:46:18INFO | _destroy_publishers_and_subscribers:138 => Destroying /cmd_vel publisher...

        09:46:18INFO | _destroy_publishers_and_subscribers:142 => Destroying /battery_status subscriber...

        09:46:18INFO | stop:131 => Shutting down ROS2 context...

        09:46:22INFO | on_start:34 => Starting the app...

        09:46:22INFO | start:95 => ROS2 context initialized.

        09:46:23INFO | start:98 => Created ROS2 node with name: base_container...

        09:46:23INFO | _spin:106 => rlcpy thread> Start

        • ral replied to this.

          TomMunnecke uninstall the default app, then reinstall it. it should work the 2nd time. clicking "default app" should take you to a new window where you can start/stop/uninstall it, below that you can "open front end" or something and that will pop up a web interface that allows you to move it and view forward or backwards.

            I did that, got this:

            Press Ctrl-C to quit

            10:41:37[2023-09-29 17:41:37.137] [depthai] [warning] USB protocol not available - If running in a container, make sure that the following is set: "-v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb --device-cgroup-rule='c 189:* rmw'"

            10:41:39Error in App definition: No module named 'robothub_core'

            10:41:40Traceback (most recent call last):

            10:41:40 File "/launch.py", line 5, in <module>

            10:41:40 except Exception as err: print(f'Error in App definition: {err}'); raise err;

            10:41:40 File "/launch.py", line 4, in <module>

            10:41:40 try: exec(open("/app/app.py").read())

            10:41:40 File "<string>", line 2, in <module>

            10:41:40 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/robothub_oak/init.py", line 3, in <module>

            10:41:40 from robothub_oak.application import *

            10:41:40 import robothub_core

            10:41:40ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'robothub_core'

            10:41:40 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/robothub_oak/application.py", line 11, in <module>

            10:41:40Sentry is attempting to send 2 pending events

            10:41:40Press Ctrl-C to quit

            10:41:40Waiting up to 2 seconds

            ral by the way, when I went back to try the factory reset again with one of my wife's sewing pins (the reset is very tiny and deep, and none of my other gadgets worked, including a Sim card opener pin), I couldn't find the reset position the second time.. I'm worried that I damaged the reset mechanism the first time I used it. It seems to be very fragile, and I don't really have a way of knowing if I found the reset position or not. I don't sense any click feel.

            Is there a way of opening the case to see the reset switch mechanism?

            I had the same issue. It's too deep and possibly not even square with the hoke. I had to gently prod around until I felt it click. But its very subtle. I doubt you damaged it. I was pushing pretty hard, I'm an oaf and have factory reset it at least 6 times haha. Try uninstall and reinstall again. Sometimes I has to hit start on the app to get it to go.

            Yeah it was definitely not easy to get to the reset. I used an unwound paperclip. I don't want to embarrassed myself with how many trys it took me lol

            well at least I found a paperclip that worked a bit better. did another factory reset, and got a little further - a least "local front end" came up with a control screen for colors on the rae for a while, but with "waiting for a stream" to do anything. I tried uninstall/reinstall and lost even that screen. I'm getting an error "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'robothub_core'"

            I'm currently trying to get firmware v1.9 to stick. Mine came with 1.2. I saw it update in the etc OS file but it didn't stick through a reboot..

            edit: I'm an idiot, 1.12 came AFTER 1.9 =p

            I'm stuck on mender missing devictype file, and if I bullshit that there's a missing fwenv.config file.

            14 days later

            This is a good thread for new starters … so they know the current status … thanks guys for the thread … be good to change the subject line to "Newbees: Read this first". I can confirm nothing has changed as of 13th Oct 23 after spending 4 hrs exploring.

            I can confirm "RAE - Default app v1.1.1" works and you can drive Rae around.
            I'm running FW:1.13

            My next adventure will be with ROS … hopefully something will work here:

            • J-- likes this.