Hi !
I would like to compute a depthmap and a pointcloud with a custom setup using a FFC-4P and two 0V9282 mono cameras.
The eeprom is flashed with the stereo calibration (intrinsics + extrinsics)
I am able to get a disparity map by creating a stereoDepth node, but I would like to display a point cloud to get a better idea of what's going on.
I could not get this to work (either with the FFC or with a OAK-D pro). depthai-viewer worked perfect with the OAK-D pro, but returned an error when plugging in the FFC:
stream_enabled=True name='Right' is not configured. Couldn't create stereo pair.
What would be the correct procedure for producing a point cloud from a custom setup ?
Additionnally, we want to try to add the IR projector module, I saw that our ffc needs to be R5 or newer, how can I check that ?
Thanks !