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Hello Team.
My questions are about how to calibrate OAK-FFC-3P.
I have OAK-FFC-3P device (see pic.1).
Pic.1 Cameras placement
My OAK-FFC-3P modular camera consist of two Global Shutter Grayscale OV9282 cameras and one Global Shutter Color OV9782.
The Global Shutter Grayscale OV9282 has DFOV / HFOV / VFOV 89° / 80° / 55° (
The Global Shutter Color OV9782 has DFOV / HFOV / VFOV 89.5° / 80° / 55°
I want to calibrate my OAK-FFC-3P device. So I should prepare config (*.json) file for calibration.
I would like take the “board_config” file from and replacing FOV and distance data.
I want to clarify fields meaning from “board_config” file.
What the name "ACME01" means? It is the *.json file name?
What the revision "V1.2" means? Might it be on my own choice?
How should I define "swap_left_and_right_cameras" value if I have cameras placement as on pic.1?
What is the value of "left_fov_deg" and "rgb_fov_deg"? Are they value of DFOV or HFOV or VFOV?
How should I define "left_to_right_distance_cm" value if the distance from left to right camera is equal 28.5 cm? Should it be 28.5 or -28.5?
How should I define "left_to_rgb_distance_cm" value if the distance from left to color camera is equal (28.5 – 14.9) = 13.6 cm? Should it be 13.6 or -13.6?
My ACME01. Json file might has this look?
My calibration charuco pattern look is on the pic.2.
Pic.2 Charuco pattern. The size of a big square is 3.4 cm x 3.4 cm, the size of a small square is 2.1 cm x 2.1 cm.
How should I define my calibration command?
It might be like this: python -s 3.4 -db -brd ACME01.json -ih
If the calibration command is wrong give me right variant please.