• Attempted to start Color camera - NOT detected!

@erik hello! I had posted my message about "Attempted to start Color camera - NOT detected!" problem in Luxonis Community (https://discord.com/channels/790680891252932659/924794421810171985/1146382852703924245). But seems it is better to write about problems here.

I have OAK-FFC-3P modular camera consist of two Global Shutter Grayscale OV9282 cameras and one Global Shutter Color OV9782.

I had been updating library - python3 -mpip install depthai -U.

I had been run python3 main.py and got error: [14442C10D19F2CD700] [2.6] [0.620] [StereoDepth(2)] [error] Disparity/depth width must be multiple of 16, but RGB camera width is 427.

Could you give me an advice how resolve the problem?

  • erik replied to this.



    As I understand I shold run \depthai_sdk\examples\pointcloud.py.

    If I have depthai inslalled what should I do: clone from repo and run install_requirements.py or run Pull command from TortoiseGit and run install_requirements.py?

    When I run \depthai_sdk\examples\pointcloud.py and got ImportError: cannot import name 'PointcloudPacket' from 'depthai_sdk.classes.packets'

    But I can't update my depthai-sdk correctly.

    After running python -m pip install depthai-sdk I got that all requirements already satisfied (depthai-sdk version 1.9.4).

    How should I update depthai-sdk to eleminate ImportError?

    • erik replied to this.

      Hi ostepan2006 ,
      You should update the SDK: python -m pip install depthai-sdk -U (-U for upgrade).

        erik Hi. Thanks.

        After I run python -m pip install depthai-sdk -U I got this

        After I run python pointcloud.py I got this

        Could you give me help?

          Hi ostepan2006
          I think you might have an older version of depthai repo installed. Do a git pull to update it to the latest.




            I had updated depthai repo (git pull --recurse-submodules), then I had run python3 install_requirements.py.Then I had run python -m pip install depthai-sdk -U.

            Then cd depthai_sdk\examples\PointcloudComponent, after that I had run python pointcloud.py.And I got error:

              Hi ostepan2006
              python -m pip install depthai_sdk=1.12. Perhaps the version 1.13 had something changed for visualization. I can't check since I don't currently have access to an OAK device.
