I have looked through this latency measurement example in Python and would like to implement this in my C++ code. However, from what I can tell there is not currently a way to get the current time from the camera in C++ to compare to an image timestamp (i.e. no C++ equivalent of dai.clock.now()). Is this correct or am I mistaken?
Latency Measurement in C++
Hi jjc999 ,
The dai.clock.now()
binds to chrono::steady_clock::now.
Ok awesome! This means that the timestamps from the camera are synchronized with the steadyclock in the computer, right? In other words, does this mean that getTimestamp() on an ImgFrame is measured from the same steady_clock the computer is using?
Hello erik ,
I had a similar problem and got guided to this post. So can I use instead of dai.clock.now chrono::steady_clock::now()?
If i try and use dai.clock.now()
i get the error message, that i should use dai::clock::now()
instead and if i use this, the response is that there is no member named clock in namespace dai.
Kind regards
Perfect, thank you very much!