lead_dev Luxonis-Lukasz ran into the issue shown in the first image where it failed due to not finding sudo. After including sudo into the dockerfile, encountered the same issue again with the line RUN wget http://docs.luxonis.com/_static/install_dependencies.sh && chmod +x install_dependencies.sh && ./install_dependencies.sh saying it returned a non-zero value
JosephMtz69 @Luxonis-Lukasz .... I was able to build and run from your docker file ... are you planning on merging this branch (enable_multiarch_build) that has the fix it it into the main branch?
Luxonis-Lukasz Yes, it should be merged soon, working on arm runners to build the image automatically and upload it to dockerhub, so that the image gets updated with every release
JosephMtz69 @Luxonis-Lukasz ... thank you and very good .. just keep me posted when that merge happens .... that way I can remove from my local Dockerfile build that part that specifies the branch .. thanks again
Luxonis-Lukasz JosephMtz69 Happy to help! Actually, it might be merged even today as we just managed to make the workflows running - https://github.com/luxonis/depthai-python/pull/270 The images will be deployed in 3 variants: luxonis/depthai-library:armv7-<ref> - for armv7 hosts (linux/arm architecture) luxonis/depthai-library:ubuntu-<ref> - for arm64 hosts (linux/amd64 architecture) luxonis/depthai-library:armv8-<ref> - for armv8 hosts (linux/arm64 architecture) <ref> is either a version tag or branch name (main or develop), so there will be a plentiful of images to choose from. We'll also update the docs once this PR is merged
Luxonis-Lukasz JosephMtz69 Changes just got merged to the develop branch, so with the next release they'll be available on main
Luxonis-Lukasz (as a side note, may be useful in the short term) - for testing, I pushed these images with <ref> being enable_multiarch_build. So if you'd like to use these right now (before the PR is merged) you can use these images (click on image name to see it on DockerHub) luxonis/depthai-library:armv7-enable_multiarch_build luxonis/depthai-library:ubuntu-enable_multiarch_build luxonis/depthai-library:armv8-enable_multiarch_build Although be aware that these might disappear once we do a cleanup on our DockerHub
lead_dev Luxonis-Lukasz i'm using the image from the devel branch and was able to run rgb_preview successfully but encountered this issue when trying to run depthai_demo.py. I did already run python3 install_requirements.py and that did not resolve the issue. Please advise
Luxonis-Lukasz lead_dev Could you run, inside the container, the following commands to see if it helps? $ cd depthai $ python3 -m pip uninstall depthai $ python3 install_requirements.py $ python3 depthai_demo.py
lead_dev Luxonis-Lukasz it displays the same issue. Looks like it's using an environment path set by the dockerfile pointing at /depthai-python/build
Luxonis-Lukasz lead_dev could you run the demo with --skipVersionCheck flag? I'll prepare a new image that will contain the demo, released from the depthai repository automatically, so running the demo from container will be easier
lead_dev Luxonis-Lukasz running into a similar issue from earlier where it runs rgb_preview.py from the depthai-python directory but can't seem to find the device when running depthai_demo.py from the depthai directory. Had issues with qt as well but just downgraded to using openCV