Hi everyone,
We're making a modular design - and it's almost done. We'll probably order our first round next week.
Allows integration of the Myriad X directly into your design.
Doesn't require your host have PCIE (USB instead)
Allows plug/play Raspberry Pi + Myriad X at 30FPS instead of 8FPS of NCS2, including stereo depth
Allows you to make whatever board you want, without having to muck with dealing with the complexity and cost of making a high-density BGA board.
So we'll make two carrier boards for this to start, both of which will be open source:
A carrier board for this module with an output USB interface
A carrier board for this module and also for the Raspberry Pi Compute Module
Myriad X with all supporting hardware. All the carrier board needs to do is provide power and connectivity.
All connectivity through single 100-pin connector (DF40C-100DP-0.4V(51))
1 x 4-lane MIPI for high-res image sensor (e.g. 12MP)
2 x 2-lane MIPI for standard-res image sensors (e.g. 1MP)
USB interface
40mm x 30mm (~ 1.57" x 1.18")
The Luxonis Team