Is there a estimate timeframe of when would oakd series3 be available for ordering ? Any chances for q4 ?
OAKD Series 3 - release date
Hi VirtualPierogi ,
We won't release RVC3-based OAK devices due to the many shortcomings of the RVC3 chip. Currently, we only plan to release Percept and RAE RVC3-based devices. We do, however, plan to release RVC4-based OAK's (perhaps different name, but similar devices), H1 next year.
Is Percept still scheduled to be released in a couple weeks? (early august)
Very sad to hear that, I was looking forward to test it as vision of integrated VO was tempting. Guess will wait till rvc4 hopefully in the 2024.
Hi VirtualPierogi ,
We still plan to release RAE, which would have integrated VIO.
@AmmoM could you check with
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erik How RAE could fit into XR headset use case?
VirtualPierogi it's not that compact.
erik thats why i was hoping for new OAKD with vio but yeah if the hardware is not there yet we will wait, and use proW or similar with our own software.
Is there a doc where it describes the shortcoming of RVC3 chip ?
Also Is Percept product line going to be supported for longer time. Looks like the product page is taken down as well:
Hi gotz07 ,
It's mostly the AI performance - for most models, it's slower than the RVC2, and there are more limitations on the layers/operations supported. We will be updating the Percept to have newer SOC (RVC4 instead of RVC3), but that means it will also be delayed (sometime in 2024). Thoughts?
Any details about the RVC4 to keep us hyped while waiting for the new stuff ?
erik explained about RVC4 in this OpenCV Ep 108 :
I am also dying to know more about it, but wait will worth it.
Hi SamiUddin VirtualPierogi ,
Sorry about the delay. Here's the initial docs page about it:
I'd suggest subscribing to the newsletter about it, so you'll be up to date with the development
Thanks, Erik
Thank You erik for being open about shortcomings of rvc3, its not often that international hardware company admits that something has to be scrapped because the development went in unexpected ways. (like intel)
Also looking at the specs of rvc and the proposed new features im assuming that the price of the whole unit will be much higher than the original oakd. Is there any proposed price range for new rvc4 based devices?
Hi edxian ,
It's based on Yocto. We are not yet sure about all the licenses and/or the ability for us to sublicense/share BSP, but we do hope it will be possible so "power users" like yourself will be able to add drivers for custom sensors. I think we'll have a clearer picture of this in the coming months. We'll most likely notify folks via rvc4 email newsletter when we know the whole process for sure.
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Hi @VirtualPierogi ,
It's not exactly being scrapped (at least of now) as we have released RAE and we need to get it to a point where it's stable/useful. But since there are major limitations, we are focusing more on the future.
Regarding price - you are correct that's it's quite more expensive (soc), but we plan/hope that we'll be able to offer rvc4-based devices at/around current OAK POE prices ($399-$599). "Series 4" devices will also have M12 (POE), M8 (aux) and USB-C connectors, so there will be no "USB-only models".
Just loved all of it.
Will there be anything new in the price range 149 - 300 usd ?