One critical requirement of my use case is the ability to create video of a large area (a football pitch) for coaches and players to later look at.
I can currently do this with RPi4, but not well! Encoding is limited to 1080, the CPU struggles badly to dewarp the fisheye, and so processing times are terrible.
I have purchased the BW1098FFC Body Kit and adapter, and am using an RPi4 and HQ camera with a 180 degree M12 fisheye lens from Arducam.
The 4K video encoding is awesome, and I can see that one of the key features of DepthAI is Warp/Dewarp.
Looking at the Python API, I was hoping to see something familiar and akin to the fisheye functions that I currently use with OpenCV, but I don’t see any.
It would seem to me that either I have a hole in my knowledge that I need to fill (very likely; I do not have expertise in this space), or DepthAI does not have this capability.
This is a critical element to the success of my project with this hardware, so I am hoping that DepthAI does support this capability, and I just need to be pointed in the right direction and get in some learning…
Thanks in advance,
(P.S. I have also read through docs, forum, git examples code and discord and not found this information - so apologies upfront if this is already covered somewhere)