walelignmessele From stereo depth node graph (https://docs.luxonis.com/projects/api/en/latest/components/nodes/stereo_depth/#internal-block-diagram-of-stereodepth-node), the unit for the depth is in [mm]. But in my case, this number is very big and does not seem to be in mm. Are there any settings that I need to do to get the right values? Any example of this would be helpful. Thanks!
walelignmessele Hi @jakaskerl, The depth values are between 627 and 1315. These values are for a camera that's mounted about 86cm from the ground (the target object is sitting on the ground.
jakaskerl Hi walelignmessele Looks fine to me (62cm to 130cm), the higher end is probably due to noise in the depthframe. Thanks, Jaka