I am reviving this thread because I noticed differences in performance of the stereo calibration when using the StereoDepth node as compared to doing it "manually" using code inspired by this https://github.com/luxonis/depthai-python/blob/main/examples/ColorCamera/rgb_undistort.py
Here is a stripped down version of my code:
def get_maps(ispSize):
l_CS = ... # Left camera socket
r_CS = ... # Right camera socket
calib = device.readCalibration()
left_K = np.array(calib.getCameraIntrinsics(l_CS, ispSize[0], ispSize[1]))
left_D = np.array(calib.getDistortionCoefficients(l_CS))
right_K = np.array(calib.getCameraIntrinsics(r_CS, ispSize[0], ispSize[1]))
right_D = np.array(calib.getDistortionCoefficients(r_CS))
T_l_r = np.array(calib.getCameraExtrinsics(r_CS, l_CS))
R = T_l_r[:3, :3]
T = T_l_r[:3, 3]
R1, R2, P1, P2, _, _, _ = cv2.stereoRectify(
maps = {}
maps["left"] = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap(
left_K, left_D, R1, P1, ispSize, cv2.CV_32FC1
maps["right"] = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap(
right_K, right_D, R2, P2, ispSize, cv2.CV_32FC1
return maps, left_K, left_D, right_K, right_D, R1, R2, P1, P2
def get_mesh(cam_name, ispSize):
maps, left_K, left_D, right_K, right_D, R1, R2, P1, P2 = get_maps(ispSize)
maps["left"] = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap(
left_K, left_D, R1, P1, ispSize, cv2.CV_32FC1
maps["right"] = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap(
right_K, right_D, R2, P2, ispSize, cv2.CV_32FC1
mapX = maps[cam_name][0]
mapY = maps[cam_name][1]
meshCellSize = 16
mesh0 = []
# Creates subsampled mesh which will be loaded on to device to undistort the image
for y in range(mapX.shape[0] + 1): # iterating over height of the image
if y % meshCellSize == 0:
rowLeft = []
for x in range(mapX.shape[1]): # iterating over width of the image
if x % meshCellSize == 0:
if y == mapX.shape[0] and x == mapX.shape[1]:
rowLeft.append(mapX[y - 1, x - 1])
rowLeft.append(mapY[y - 1, x - 1])
elif y == mapX.shape[0]:
rowLeft.append(mapX[y - 1, x])
rowLeft.append(mapY[y - 1, x])
elif x == mapX.shape[1]:
rowLeft.append(mapX[y, x - 1])
rowLeft.append(mapY[y, x - 1])
rowLeft.append(mapX[y, x])
rowLeft.append(mapY[y, x])
if (mapX.shape[1] % meshCellSize) % 2 != 0:
mesh0 = np.array(mesh0)
meshWidth = mesh0.shape[1] // 2
meshHeight = mesh0.shape[0]
mesh0.resize(meshWidth * meshHeight, 2)
mesh = list(map(tuple, mesh0))
return mesh, meshWidth, meshHeight
Using ImageManip with setWarpMesh()
with the returned mesh works ok, I have an average epipolar error of about 0.5%
(~3.5px on a 720p image, see image below)
Using the same calibration results (intrinsics and extrinsics) and the StereoDepth node, computing the epipolar error on the rectified left and right images that the node outputs, I get much better results (about 0.09%, 0.69px on a 720p image, see image below)
Here is how I compute the epilines score for reference
def drawEpiLines(left, right, aruco_dict):
concatIm = np.hstack((left, right))
lcorners, lids, _ = aruco.detectMarkers(image=left, dictionary=aruco_dict)
rcorners, rids, _ = aruco.detectMarkers(image=right, dictionary=aruco_dict)
if len(lcorners) == 0 or len(rcorners) == 0:
return concatIm
lids = lids.reshape(-1)
rids = rids.reshape(-1)
lcorners_dict = {}
for i in range(len(lids)):
lid = lids[i]
lcorners_dict[lid] = lcorners[i].reshape((-1, 2))
rcorners_dict = {}
for i in range(len(rids)):
rid = rids[i]
rcorners_dict[rid] = rcorners[i].reshape((-1, 2))
avg_slope = []
for lid in lids:
if lid not in rids:
lcorners = lcorners_dict[lid]
rcorners = rcorners_dict[lid]
for i in range(len(lcorners)):
x1 = lcorners[i][0]
y1 = lcorners[i][1]
x2 = rcorners[i][0] + left.shape[1]
y2 = rcorners[i][1]
avg_slope.append(abs(y2 - y1))
(int(x1), int(y1)),
(int(x2), int(y2)),
(0, 255, 0),
avg_slope = np.mean(avg_slope)
avg_slope_percent = avg_slope / left.shape[0] * 100
round(avg_slope, 2),
"px (",
round(abs(avg_slope_percent), 2),
return concatIm
I have two questions:
- Do you have an idea of what could explain this difference ?
- Do you have any plans to add the support of rectified color images as output of the StereoDepth node ? (We use IMX296 color cameras right now)
Thanks !