
I ordered and received a OAK-FFC IR from the Luxonis shop website. I cannot find any details on how to correctly hook this up to my OAK-FFC 4P though. The shop page does not include any documentation links.

Any links, docs, pictures, videos, code samples, etc… would be greatly appreciated!

  • jakaskerl replied to this.
    • Best Answerset by erik

    hcwiley Could you also try switching over this switch (number 2)? I believe the projector/LED needs an external trigger from one of the cameras so it's synced.

    Hi hcwiley
    The IR module should be connected as displayed on the image:

    Hope this helps,

    (note that only newer revisions (R5+) of the OAK-FFC-4P actually have this connector)

    Ok, so the OAK FFC 4p I ordered at the same time isn't the
    right revision of the board?

    There's no mention of this on the page, so that's kind of frustrating. I've now ordered two of the OAK FFC 4P, 2 pairs of 9282, and 2 of the OAK FFC IR. And apparently, y'all sent me the old revision of the OAK FFC 4P without any ability for me to select the latest revision. Can you point me toward the relevant schematic change so I can see about wiring this IR board into the OAK FFC revision that I have? I have a hot air rework station and can assemble what I need to make it work. Or, I'm happy to exchange my whatever revision I have for the new version that actually supports this IR board without intervention.

    • erik replied to this.

      Hi hcwiley ,
      Correct, you can see on the PCBA it's R4M1E4, and since R5... we have added the support for FFC-IR. Please send an email to support@luxonis.com, I believe we can replace the FFC-4P to the latest ones.
      Thanks, Erik

      Hi hcwiley ,
      I think we just forgot to update the designs to the latest, will ping the HW guys to push these revisions out🙂
      I am not entirely sure, but to me it would seem PITA to try to solder wires to different test pads to get the "final cable" out that you can connect the FFC-IR to.

      6 days later

      I received my new board today and it is rev 5! hooray! are there any more resources you can share with me about using this projector @erik or @jakaskerl ? I would love to see docs on setting this thing and how to configure the python SDK to control it.

      I've been re-reading the frame-syncing docs to see if it covers but not seeing anything.

      It appears the board is being recognized so that's good

      utilities % python cam_test.py --cameras left,m  --fps 30
      Enabled cameras:
         left : mono
      DepthAI version:
      DepthAI path: /Users/hcwiley/miniforge3/envs/luxonis/lib/python3.11/site-packages/depthai.cpython-311-darwin.so
      Connected cameras:
       -socket RGB   : OV9782 1280 x  800 focus:fixed - COLOR MONO
       -socket LEFT  : OV9282 1280 x  800 focus:fixed - MONO COLOR
       -socket RIGHT : OV9282 1280 x  800 focus:fixed - MONO COLOR
      USB speed: SUPER
      IR drivers: [('LM3644', 0, 99)]
      Cam:      left     [host | capture timestamp]
      FPS:  30.23| 30.00Dot projector brightness: 1100 True

      I added a print statement after setting the dot brightness to see the return value.

        Hi hcwiley ,
        You can control the IR dot projector/illumination LED just like on the Pro devices (docs here):

        # Either within Script node:
        script = pipeline.create(dai.node.Script)
        with dai.Device(pipeline) as device:
          # Or, using the dai.Device object from the host:
          device.setIrLaserDotProjectorBrightness(100) # in mA, 0..1200
          device.setIrFloodLightBrightness(0) # in mA, 0..1500

        Neat, thanks Erik! I'm debugging this setup and think my 9282 pair i ordered from the shop are not IR-sensitive. I've busted out an old pi with a known IR sensitive camera on it and cannot see any IR dots from the board.

        I've verified the pi camera is seeing IR by checking the dot pattern from my iPhone

        when I do the same with luxonis IR board setting via the device API

          # Or, using the dai.Device object from the host:
          device.setIrLaserDotProjectorBrightness(100) # in mA, 0..1200
          device.setIrFloodLightBrightness(0) # in mA, 0..1500

        i don't see anything

        when i try to set via the script API i get an error:

        FPS:  29.87| 30.00  45.75| 30.00[1844301061535B1200] [] [4.049] [Script(5)] [critical] RuntimeError: setIrLaserDotProjectorBrightness only works on LEON_CSS
          <script>(2): <module>
        FPS:  30.09| 30.00  30.09| 30.00Communication exception - possible device error/misconfiguration. Original message 'Couldn't read data from stream: 'right' (X_LINK_ERROR)'
        Exiting cleanly
        • erik replied to this.

          Hi hcwiley ,
          I think dots are visible above about 300mA. So I'd suggest cranking that up to 700mA, and please note to use Y-adapter(or powered USB hub), otherwise you can brownout the RPI.
          Regarding second error, you'd need to set Script node to LEON_CSS core:

          script: dai.node.Script = pipeline.create(dai.node.Script)

          Also, please wear high-quality IR-blocking glasses - lasers are no joke, especially when not tested (without front glass)

          The projector is not turning on, I cannot see any IR light coming from it. That modified script code is successfully executing that's good.

          Here are some pictures of my setup to help clarify. I have a RPI with an known IR sensitive camera running so I can check if IR is being thrown around.

          I'm trying to use my OAK FFC 4p with OAK IR to project a dot pattern

          OAK ffc 4p setup

          iPad pro with TrueDepth that I can trigger to throw their dots when I want

          Image of TrueDepth dots being seen by pi cam.

          No matter what setting I try the OAK IR will not turn on. I am powering the OAK FFC 4p off the provided power supply, so it's definitely not a power issue.

          5 days later

          Hello @erik,

          Have there been any updates to this thread? Our modules are due to arrive this Thursday and it appears we will be in @hcwiley's same position.

          • erik replied to this.

            No word so far. I'm not sure what else I should be doing here. I can put a scope on the lines going to the IR and see if it's getting a signal. I would love to not have to do this though!

            • erik replied to this.

              Hi hcwiley / AlexHendren ,
              Sorry about the delay, it was super busy during a conference. What's the current you set the projector to? Hopefully it was high enough, as below 200mA or so, it's not even visible.