Hi Luxonis team. What are the chances that you release an oak-1-poe in the form factor of the OAK-D SR PoE? Is it possible at all or the boards need to be bigger necessarily? Thank you!

  • erik replied to this.

    Hi Lucas ,
    Great idea! So a very easy option would be to just remove all other sensors, and have a single color one. The issue is that the color cam isn't perfectly in the middle, so OCD could kick in for some folks (me included).
    We just got initial devices to our office, here's a photo:

    With some paint.exe magic, this is how it would look like with only 1 cam:

    Would that still work for you?
    Thanks, Erik

    7 days later

    Sharing for others; the updated OAK-1-POE (which would have the same design as OAK-D-SR-POE) would be about half the width of the old one, about the same width, and about 1cm additional depth. It would also have M12 connector for ETH at the back, while the old one has RJ45 ETH connector at the bottom. A few pics: