changing it to a smaller blob helped in progressing further.
Now i am getting the following output:
No calibration file. Using Calibration Defaults.
Using depthai module from: /home/game1/oakvenv/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/
Depthai version installed:
Compiled mode found: compiled for 14 shaves, 14 cmx_slices and 1 NN_engines
XLink initialized.
Sending internal device firmware
Successfully connected to device.
Usb speed : High/480Mbps
Mx serial id : 14442C1031A492CD00
Loading config file
Attempting to open stream config_d2h
watchdog started
Successfully opened stream config_d2h with ID #0!
Closing stream config_d2h: ...
Closing stream config_d2h: DONE.
EEPROM data: invalid / unprogrammed
['metaout', 'previewout']
Available streams: ['meta_d2h', 'left', 'right', 'disparity', 'depth', 'metaout', 'previewout', 'jpegout', 'video', 'object_tracker', 'rectified_left', 'rectified_right', 'color']
depthai: Using calibration from stored in EEPROM
RGB camera (IMX378) is not detected on board!
WARNING: NN inference was requested on RGB camera (IMX378), defaulting to right stereo camera (OV9282)!
config_h2d json:
size of input string json_config_obj to config_h2d is ->1653
size of json_config_obj that is expected to be sent to config_h2d is ->1048576
Attempting to open stream config_h2d
Successfully opened stream config_h2d with ID #1!
Writing 1048576 bytes to config_h2d
!!! XLink write successful: config_h2d (1048576)
Closing stream config_h2d: ...
Closing stream config_h2d: DONE.
Creating observer stream host_capture: ...
Attempting to open stream host_capture
Successfully opened stream host_capture with ID #0!
Creating observer stream host_capture: DONE.
Read: 1332032
Attempting to open stream inBlob
Successfully opened stream inBlob with ID #2!
Writing 1332032 bytes to inBlob
!!! XLink write successful: inBlob (1332032)
Closing stream inBlob: ...
Closing stream inBlob: DONE.
depthai: done sending Blob file /home/game1/oakvenv/depthai/resources/nn/face-detection-retail-0004/face-detection-retail-0004.blob.sh14cmx14NCE1
Attempting to open stream outBlob
Successfully opened stream outBlob with ID #3!
Closing stream outBlob: ...
Closing stream outBlob: DONE.
Input layer :
Name: data
Index: 0
Element type: uint8
Element size: 1byte
Offset: 0 byte
Dimensions: [Batch : 1, Channel : 3, Height : 300, Width : 300]
Output layer :
Name: detection_out
Index: 0
Element type: float16
Element size: 2 bytes
Offset: 0 byte
Dimensions: [Batch : 1, Channel : 1, Height : 200, Width : 7]
CNN to depth bounding-box mapping: start(0, 0), max_size(0, 0)
Host stream start:metaout
Opening stream for read: metaout
Attempting to open stream metaout
Successfully opened stream metaout with ID #1!
Starting thread for stream: metaout
Host stream start:previewout
Opening stream for read: previewout
Attempting to open stream previewout
Started thread for stream: metaout
Successfully opened stream previewout with ID #3!
Starting thread for stream: previewout
depthai: INIT OK!
Started thread for stream: previewout
E: [global] [ 681763] [python3] addEvent:262 Condition failed: event->header.flags.bitField.ack != 1
E: [global] [ 681763] [python3] addEventWithPerf:276 addEvent(event) method call failed with an error: 3
E: [global] [ 681763] [python3] XLinkReadData:156 Condition failed: (addEventWithPerf(&event, &opTime))
Device get data failed: 7
Closing stream metaout: ...
This keeps getting repeated.
Same output i get with and without -fusb2
(venv) game1@TAILWIND1:/oakvenv/depthai$ ./ -cnn face-detection-retail-0004 -fusb2
No calibration file. Using Calibration Defaults.
Using depthai module from: /home/game1/oakvenv/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/
Depthai version installed:
Compiled mode found: compiled for 14 shaves, 14 cmx_slices and 1 NN_engines
XLink initialized.
Sending internal device firmware
Successfully connected to device.
Usb speed : High/480Mbps
Mx serial id : 14442C1031A492CD00
Loading config file
Attempting to open stream config_d2h
watchdog started
Successfully opened stream config_d2h with ID #0!
Closing stream config_d2h: ...
Closing stream config_d2h: DONE.
EEPROM data: invalid / unprogrammed
['metaout', 'previewout']
Available streams: ['meta_d2h', 'left', 'right', 'disparity', 'depth', 'metaout', 'previewout', 'jpegout', 'video', 'object_tracker', 'rectified_left', 'rectified_right', 'color']
depthai: Using calibration from stored in EEPROM
RGB camera (IMX378) is not detected on board!
WARNING: NN inference was requested on RGB camera (IMX378), defaulting to right stereo camera (OV9282)!
config_h2d json:
size of input string json_config_obj to config_h2d is ->1653
size of json_config_obj that is expected to be sent to config_h2d is ->1048576
Attempting to open stream config_h2d
Successfully opened stream config_h2d with ID #1!
Writing 1048576 bytes to config_h2d
!!! XLink write successful: config_h2d (1048576)
Closing stream config_h2d: ...
Closing stream config_h2d: DONE.
Creating observer stream host_capture: ...
Attempting to open stream host_capture
Successfully opened stream host_capture with ID #0!
Creating observer stream host_capture: DONE.
Read: 1332032
Attempting to open stream inBlob
Successfully opened stream inBlob with ID #2!
Writing 1332032 bytes to inBlob
!!! XLink write successful: inBlob (1332032)
Closing stream inBlob: ...
Closing stream inBlob: DONE.
depthai: done sending Blob file /home/game1/oakvenv/depthai/resources/nn/face-detection-retail-0004/face-detection-retail-0004.blob.sh14cmx14NCE1
Attempting to open stream outBlob
Successfully opened stream outBlob with ID #3!
Closing stream outBlob: ...
Closing stream outBlob: DONE.
Input layer :
Name: data
Index: 0
Element type: uint8
Element size: 1byte
Offset: 0 byte
Dimensions: [Batch : 1, Channel : 3, Height : 300, Width : 300]
Output layer :
Name: detection_out
Index: 0
Element type: float16
Element size: 2 bytes
Offset: 0 byte
Dimensions: [Batch : 1, Channel : 1, Height : 200, Width : 7]
CNN to depth bounding-box mapping: start(0, 0), max_size(0, 0)
Host stream start:metaout
Opening stream for read: metaout
Attempting to open stream metaout
Successfully opened stream metaout with ID #1!
Starting thread for stream: metaout
Host stream start:previewout
Opening stream for read: previewout
Attempting to open stream previewout
Started thread for stream: metaout
Successfully opened stream previewout with ID #3!
Starting thread for stream: previewout
depthai: INIT OK!
Started thread for stream: previewout
E: [global] [ 681763] [python3] addEvent:262 Condition failed: event->header.flags.bitField.ack != 1
E: [global] [ 681763] [python3] addEventWithPerf:276 addEvent(event) method call failed with an error: 3
E: [global] [ 681763] [python3] XLinkReadData:156 Condition failed: (addEventWithPerf(&event, &opTime))
Device get data failed: 7
Closing stream metaout: ...
E: [global] [ 681763] [python3] addEvent:262 Condition failed: event->header.flags.bitField.ack != 1
E: [global] [ 681763] [python3] addEventWithPerf:276 addEvent(event) method call failed with an error: 3
E: [global] [ 681763] [python3] XLinkReadData:156 Condition failed: (addEventWithPerf(&event, &opTime))
Device get data failed: 7
E: [global] [ 681763] [Scheduler00Thr] dispatcherEventSend:53 Write failed (header) (err -4) | event XLINK_CLOSE_STREAM_REQ
Closing stream metaout: DONE.
Closing stream previewout: ...
Thread for metaout finished.
E: [xLink] [ 681763] [Scheduler00Thr] sendEvents:1027 Event sending failed
E: [global] [ 681763] [Scheduler00Thr] dispatcherEventSend:53 Write failed (header) (err -4) | event XLINK_CLOSE_STREAM_REQ
E: [xLink] [ 681764] [Scheduler00Thr] sendEvents:1027 Event sending failed
Closing stream previewout: DONE.
Thread for previewout finished.
watchdog triggered
=== New data in observer stream host_capture, size: 4
Writing 4 bytes to host_capture
E: [global] [ 690043] [Scheduler00Thr] dispatcherEventSend:53 Write failed (header) (err -4) | event XLINK_WRITE_REQ
E: [xLink] [ 690043] [Scheduler00Thr] sendEvents:1027 Event sending failed
!!! XLink write successful: host_capture (4)
Stopping threads: ...
Stopping threads: DONE 0.000s.
Closing all observer streams: ...
Closing stream host_capture: ...
Closing stream host_capture: DONE.
Closing all observer streams: DONE.
Reseting device: 0.
E: [global] [ 690043] [Scheduler00Thr] dispatcherEventSend:53 Write failed (header) (err -4) | event XLINK_RESET_REQ
E: [xLink] [ 690043] [Scheduler00Thr] sendEvents:1027 Event sending failed
Reseting: DONE.
XLink already initialized.
Sending internal device firmware
Successfully connected to device.
Usb speed : High/480Mbps
Mx serial id : 14442C1031A492CD00
Loading config file
Attempting to open stream config_d2h
Successfully opened stream config_d2h with ID #0!
Closing stream config_d2h: ...
Closing stream config_d2h: DONE.
EEPROM data: invalid / unprogrammed
depthai: Using calibration from stored in EEPROM
RGB camera (IMX378) is not detected on board!
WARNING: NN inference was requested on RGB camera (IMX378), defaulting to right stereo camera (OV9282)!