Hi Majita Matija and Erik erik
Thank you for your explanation, and I tried more today but didn't get any good.
Not very familiar with those concepts mentioned. You said we probably can't use a softmax to retrieve my classified results, so what solutions else I could use to achieve that accurately? i did a bit study then and it seemed like softmax is just a math way to extract the results without really changing any calculated numbers I guess?
Now I have a trained ResNet18 and YOLOV5s-cls model, both trained with PyTorch. To verify that my trained models can actually work well, I ran them on my host to do classification inferences respectively today (so without an OAK D device). They both worked better than on my OAK D, and a part of code is like below:
# Inference with YOLOv5
with torch.no_grad():
results = model(img_tensor)
# Convert the logits to percentages using softmax
probs = F.softmax(results, dim=1)
# Get class with highest confidence
confidences, class_idx = probs.squeeze(0).max(0)
label = f'{class_names[class_idx]} {confidences:.2f}'
Is there anything wrong with the configuration or set-up on OAK D(such as the process of resizing images, colour channel order, etc) or I should try another version of model (e.g., YOLOv6 or higher)? I'm very confused now…