Hi @erik ,
The tutorial seems to ask for multiple files in addition to the .blob file. When I submit an ONNX model to BlobConverter, I only get returned the .blob file. As a reminder, I used Ultralytics Hub to train a YOLOv5su model, then downloaded the ONNX weights from Ultralytics Hub. I then converted the ONNX weights to the Blob Converter using http://blobconverter.luxonis.com/ . I could not use DepthAI Tools to convert the trained model in PyTorch, because it does not convert YOLOv5su models correctly and returns an error.
When I try following the tutorial and running the model, I get an error as follows:
python main_api.py -m dome_handle_yv5su_try2.blob
returns the following error:
{'classes': 1, 'coordinates': 4, 'anchors': [1], 'anchor_masks': {}, 'iou_threshold': 0.5, 'confidence_threshold': 0.5}
[18443010E157E40F00] [20.4] [2.005] [DetectionNetwork(1)] [error] Mask is not defined for output layer with width '3549'. Define at pipeline build time using: 'setAnchorMasks' for 'side3549'.
Despite the fact that I have the PyTorch/ONNX model, I'm not sure there is a way to convert it into a usable OAK-D model? Is there something further I need to modify with the model or the JSON to allow it to run? I do not need any anchors for this YOLO model.