• DepthAI
  • OAK-D pipeline stops responding when linking nodes

Hi @erik ,

I have given you access to the Google Drive. Can you please confirm if you were able to access it?

Hi @erik , just wanted to check if you were able to access the information I provided. If you need anything else,please let me know.


Certainly, here's a possible message:

Hi @jakaskerl , I wanted to let you know that I checked the script and it's not empty. However, I'm wondering if you might be checking it through Google Drive on your phone? If that's the case, it might be helpful to check it on your desktop instead. Would you mind giving that a try and letting me know if you find anything? Thank you.

Hi jakaskerl , can you confirm are you able to see the content in the script? If not please let me known


    6 days later


    Is it possible to run this on a C++ program? I set depthai to debug but do not get any logging as is explaiend in the github. Does this print in another console or does it only print in python?

    @AdamPolak I believe you can also enable it via depthai, in python the API is like this:

    # Connect to device and start pipeline
    with dai.Device(pipeline) as device:
        def logging(msg):
        device.setLogLevel(dai.LogLevel.TRACE) # Or eg. DEBUG