Thank you so much for your help with this! I think that I have a Q matrix now 🙂
However, I ran into another issue so I cannot see if the Q matrix is ok. I am searching for help here and on the DepthAI website, but I have not found anything yet. Below is the output in the terminal window. Do any of you know what a "Device get data failed: 7" error is?
XLink initialized.
Sending internal device firmware
Successfully connected to device.
Usb speed : Super/5000Mbps
Mx serial id : 14442C10C1DC11D100
Loading config file
Attempting to open stream config_d2h
watchdog started
Successfully opened stream config_d2h with ID #0!
Closing stream config_d2h: ...
Closing stream config_d2h: DONE.
EEPROM data: valid (v5)
Board name : BW1098OBC
Board rev : R0M0E0
HFOV L/R : 71.86 deg
HFOV RGB : 68.7938 deg
L-R distance : 7.5 cm
L-RGB distance : 3.75 cm
L/R swapped : yes
L/R crop region: center
Rectification Rotation R1 (left):
0.999953, 0.008693, 0.004363,
-0.008690, 0.999962, -0.000797,
-0.004369, 0.000760, 0.999990,
Rectification Rotation R2 (right):
0.999793, 0.020279, -0.001531,
-0.020278, 0.999794, 0.000794,
0.001547, -0.000763, 0.999999,
Calibration intrinsic matrix M1 (left):
857.669983, 0.000000, 634.107666,
0.000000, 857.847534, 400.311829,
0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000,
Calibration intrinsic matrix M2 (right):
855.142273, 0.000000, 637.742004,
0.000000, 855.706970, 406.102295,
0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000,
Calibration rotation matrix R:
0.999915, -0.011584, 0.005925,
0.011593, 0.999932, -0.001472,
-0.005907, 0.001540, 0.999981,
Calibration translation matrix T:
Calibration Distortion Coeff d1 (Left):
-4.946535, 14.375317, 0.001487, -0.000638, -11.891014, -5.000238, 14.571597,
-12.075688, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
Calibration Distortion Coeff d2 (Right):
-5.189321, 16.614038, 0.000854, -0.000960, -16.556196, -5.240158, 16.807529,
-16.738096, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
depthai: Using calibration from stored in EEPROM
config_h2d json:
size of input string json_config_obj to config_h2d is ->1632
size of json_config_obj that is expected to be sent to config_h2d is ->1048576
Attempting to open stream config_h2d
Successfully opened stream config_h2d with ID #1!
Writing 1048576 bytes to config_h2d
!!! XLink write successful: config_h2d (1048576)
Closing stream config_h2d: ...
Closing stream config_h2d: DONE.
Creating observer stream host_capture: ...
Attempting to open stream host_capture
Successfully opened stream host_capture with ID #0!
Creating observer stream host_capture: DONE.
Read: 533632
Attempting to open stream inBlob
Successfully opened stream inBlob with ID #2!
Writing 533632 bytes to inBlob
!!! XLink write successful: inBlob (533632)
Closing stream inBlob: ...
Closing stream inBlob: DONE.
depthai: done sending Blob file ../../../depthai/resources/nn/landmarks-regression-retail-0009/landmarks-regression-retail-0009.blob
Attempting to open stream outBlob
Successfully opened stream outBlob with ID #3!
E: [global] [ 65696] [python3] addEvent:262 Condition failed: event->header.flags.bitField.ack != 1
E: [global] [ 65696] [python3] addEventWithPerf:276 addEvent(event) method call failed with an error: 3
E: [global] [ 65696] [python3] XLinkReadData:156 Condition failed: (addEventWithPerf(&event, &opTime))
Device get data failed: 7
Closing stream outBlob: ...