I have Ubuntu 20.04 and ROS 2 Foxy running on a Rock Pi 4 SE and I'm using an Oak-D-Lite camera. If I launch the rgb_stereo_node file(command: ros2 launch depthai_examples rgb_stereo_node.launch.py cameramodel:=OAK-D-LITE) it starts up normal I checked topics everything running good but I want to use RTAB-Map as well and if I start the RTAB-Map in a new terminal it runs good until a few minutes then the Rock Pi shuts down by itself. I get no errors and nothing. After this I tried to record some topics in a bag only with the rgb_stereo_node launched but as I start the recording after a few seconds the Rock Pi shuts down again.

My command to start the RTAB-Map:

ros2 launch rtabmap_ros rtabmap.launch.py \
    rtabmap_args:="--delete_db_on_start" \
    rgb_topic:=/color/video/image \
    depth_topic:=/stereo/depth \
    camera_info_topic:=/color/video/camera_info \
    frame_id:=base_link \
    approx_sync:=false \
    wait_imu_to_init:=true \

I don't know if this is because of the Rock Pi or not. I appreciate any help even if someone know that if it's a Rock Pi issue.

  • erik replied to this.

    Hi erik!

    No, I'm using a USB Type-A 3.1 male - USB Type-C 3.1 male cable.

    Thank you, Mate

    • erik replied to this.

      MtGizaw15 I'd guess a power problem. Please see the docs at Y-adapter on the why it's important. You can also use powered USB hub.

      Thanks, Erik