• DepthAI
  • Automatically checking for new bootloader version?

Had this message pop up in the logs last night for one of our OAKs:

[2023-03-13 13:16:09.322] [info] New bootloader version available. Device has: 0.0.21, available: 0.0.24

This sort of implies that something in the depthai stack is calling home to check for updates. Given that our application runs without connectivity to the Internet, that potentially poses a problem if it wedges when trying to talk to mom.

Is this what's actually going on, and if so, is there a way for us to disable this behavior?

  • erik replied to this.

    Hi wiley42 ,
    It's not calling home, but bootloader comes bundled together with the depthai library, which connects to the OAK camera, checks its bootloader version, and compares it to the version it has available. That means if you downgrade depthai library you can downgrade available bootloader. And in general, it's not a problem to have an older bootloader version.
    Thanks, Erik

    Yeah, I tumbled to that when I grepped through the source. Totally cool; thanks for the response! 🙂