Hi erik I create a new issue : https://github.com/luxonis/depthai-core/issues/756
I agree with you but I not very familiar with this and for me the question is : how is the data "flattened"?
Let's say we have the X, Y and Z coordinates of shape (2x2) : [[ X11,X12], [X21,X22]] , [[ Y11,Y12], [Y21,Y22]] , [[ Z11,Z12], [Z21,Z22]]. Then we want to create a (1x12) vector to send to the buffer. The data are flattened like this:
[ X11,X12, X21,X22 ,Y11,Y12,Y21,Y22,Z11,Z12,Z21,Z22] ?
or [X11, Y11,Z11,X12,Y12,Z12, X21,Y21,Z21,X22,Y22,Z22]?
or a different way?
In addition, as X, Y and Z are FP16 type we need to convert it to 2 uint8 to pass it to the model. So if X is represent by X_1 and X_2 then the "flattened" data are:
[ X11_1,X11_2,X12_1,X12_2,X21_1,X21_2,X22_1,X22_2,Y11_1,Y11_2,.......,Z21_1,Z21_2,Z22_1,Z22_2]? Otherwise?