erik Hi krishnashravan , Could you please provide some terminal logs, and also IP scans that indicate what's the IP of your computer and of the Pi? Thanks, Erik
krishnashravan These are the terminal logs for almost two days now i'm getting destination host unreachable.
erik Hi krishnashravan , Well the RPi CM4 is not at that IP apparently. Perhaps try IP scanner, check router logs (connected devices), or check SSH into RPi docs; ssh pi@luxonis.local -X should be possible. Thanks, Erik
krishnashravan This is just now its just that when the pi crashes that ip becomes unreachable It crashes at random and comes back up
krishnashravan my use case is basically running a node app to run the site on the pi's address and running a python file for people counting i observed that when i run the python file the ping goes up alot and eventually crash(destination host unreachable) or timeout
jakaskerl Hi krishnashravan Sounds like a bandwidth issue then.. I assume ping goes up because the pipeline sends results back to rpi, which saturates its bandwidth and it's therefore unable to return pings, and then it crashes since the server probably times out. Can you confirm you are sending large/high res video back to the rpi? Thanks, Jaka
krishnashravan jakaskerl Yes the video is high res But when i run it manually (change to a particular directory and then execute) less changes of crashing) But when i run it using a bat file to run the node app or the video python file more chances of failling
jakaskerl Hi krishnashravan I'm not entirely sure how you are running the scripts (using bat file / manual?). Maybe try lowering the resolution of the video you are sending via ethernet to see if that is the cause. Thanks, Jaka
erik krishnashravan if it "starts to crash" when you start your app, it might be related to the app itself - have you tried debugging it? What's the RAM / CPU usage of the RPi before/after you start the app? Perhaps some memory leak that causes the whole system to crash?
krishnashravan erik I have decreased the no of crashes by just manually logging to the pi and run the node and python file but it does crash at times is it because it overloads the pi? i have no issue when i run the same code on the oak d (the one without the pi)
erik Hi krishnashravan , is it because it overloads the pi? That would be my initial guess, but I'd suggest you debug the code (checking CPU/RAM consumption).