Hello. I am new to Luxonis, making my way through the rabbit hole. I am trying to create a hello world application in C# that communicates with an OAK-D PRO camera. From what I am understanding, end-end communication is managed through XLink? Is the following repo current? Does it have everything needed to establish a connection, stream camera feeds, etc.?


Any other comments/suggestions are welcome and appreciated! Thanks.

Some additional questions. Beyond XLink, is there anything useful I am likely to want from depthai-core?


It appears that XLink repo is a dependency of the depthai-core repo? Begging the question why they are separate, and the only thing that makes sense is if XLink could be usable as a standalone library...?


  • erik replied to this.

    Hi jt512 ,
    Yes, Xlink is used for end-to-end comms. For C# integration, I would suggest creating bindings to depthai-core (C++ API), just like we did for python bindings (depthai-python), instead of writing your own library. Thoughts?
    Thanks, Erik

      erik That's where I was leaning. I suppose main point I'm seeking clarity on is why depthai-core instead of just the xlink repo? If depthai-core offers a higher level abstraction that is important for communicating with the device, it begs the question why xlink is kept in a separate repo? The fact it's separate implies I don't need depthai-core but could just use xlink?

      • erik replied to this.