erik Hey Erik, thanks for the answer! It has been a great help the example to understand how the config works!
I've seen that the c++ example does not have the "other controls" part which is what I'm looking for. Is it not achievable using c++? Do you know any workaround?
"Other controls:
'1' - AWB lock (true / false)
'2' - AE lock (true / false)
'3' - Select control: AWB mode
'4' - Select control: AE compensation
'5' - Select control: anti-banding/flicker mode
'6' - Select control: effect mode
'7' - Select control: brightness
'8' - Select control: contrast
'9' - Select control: saturation
'0' - Select control: sharpness
'[' - Select control: luma denoise
']' - Select control: chroma denoise