Device Initialization fails in Macbook Air 2017
Hi tapasrm ,
Sorry about the trouble here. Are you using a USB hub with your Macbook Air? The reason I ask is we have discovered that some USB hubs are actually out of USB spec.
Many work fine, but for example this one is an example of one that is out of USB spec.
So we use a USB-compliant technique that is apparently just not very popular (and so some devices skipped supporting it, despite it technically being required by the spec).
This technique is to enumerate on USB2. So this is actually a hardware USB2 device inside the Myriad X, who's sole purpose is to show up to the computer on USB2, and allow the computer to then boot the device.
Once the device is booted, a second, internal piece of USB hardware actually connects over USB2 or USB3 (depending on what is available). So there's this transition from one USB to another, which is technically supposed to be supported by all devices, but apparently is not.
So I am wondering if this is what you are seeing. When I had the problem with the hub above, it was the exact error that you saw.
So if this is the case, could you try connecting directly to the Macbook Air? And if that works, you could continue to do that, or use an alternate hub. For example, this hub does work properly: