Hi erik
Ok i will explain about it once more.
the device for this test was OAK-D-Pro (with ircutfilter). And our application is drone. And our test was outdoor environment. (F.Y.I, indoor test result was so satisfied so we want out outdoor.)
But we met some issue. In case of within 8m test, there is some ghost pointcloud is detected like above images with red circle. Again the ghost pointcloud means that when our drone is flying, even though there is no object in front of our drone, we can see the ghost pointcloud. So it makes some issue now because based on the characteristics of drone if the drone meet any object, the drone should stop to avoid any crash.
Again, the ghost pointclould made our drone stop even though there is no object in front of drone in the sky.
And we tried all the filter for a long time but it made another side effects. So using filter is not a solution for this issue based on our verification.
If you need any more information, feel free to tell me.