We are trying to get low resolution, MJPEG from the camera, and we have written some code to do that, BUT it seems like I can only set down to a 1080P resolution using the method in the camera object.
Ideally, we would like to see if we can get 480P. Can you provide some guidance on how you reccomend doing that? I realized I can make an ImageManip object, and resize the camera frames that way, however, won't that make our camera intrinsic matrix invalid?
Secondly (and related, but not strictly), I see that the DAI image calibration tool is only using the camera socket name to get the calibration. Does that mean the calibration is only valid for the full 12MP resolution, or am I able to trust that the calibration is still valid for the modified 1080P resolution.
auto converter = dai::ros::ImageConverter(frame_name, false);
auto info_msg = converter.calibrationToCameraInfo(
device->readCalibration(), dai::CameraBoardSocket::RGB);
I hope these questions make sense. Please let me know if I can clarify!