The example given in the Hello World Tutorial would not work on my system. I eventually traced the problem to the configuration of the mobilenet-ssd.blob file I was using. If I replaced the blob file taken for the ...depthai/resources/nn... path with the one included in the tutorial GIT ...depthai-tutorials-master/1-hello-world/mobilenet-ssd it worked.
Since I would prefer to used the blob files from depthai/resources/nn I investigated further and discovered I needed to modify the config to specify the number of shaves and cmx slices to match. ie those implied by the sh14cmx14NCE1 extension.
To use models from ...depthai/resources/nn... modify the tutorial code thus : -
# Create the pipeline using the 'previewout' stream, establishing the first connection to the device.
pipeline = device.create_pipeline(config={
'streams': ['previewout', 'metaout'],
'ai': {
'blob_file': "/path/to/mobilenet-ssd.blob.sh14cmx14NCE1",
'blob_file_config': "/path/to/mobilenet-ssd.json",
'shaves': 14,
'cmx_slices': 14,
'NN_engines': 1
if pipeline is None:
raise RuntimeError('Pipeline creation failed!')