If I want to study how the disparity cost is computed and also would like to output disparity cost vector (i.e. each pixel will have a vector of 95 cost for it's neighbors), where can I find the source code of the implmentation of the disparity cost formula? Is it possible to change the formula and output disparity cost vector map for debug/development? Thank you very much for your help.
disparity cost
Hi ynjiun ,
That logic is implemented into the firmware (closed source), and you can configure it via API, see StereoDepthConfigs CostMatching api. Would that suffice?
Thanks, Erik
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Hi ynjiun , yes, that will output disparity cost dump. Just note it's very (very) slow. We have example here, use -dumpdispcost
Thanks, Erik
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Hi @erik
Thanks for the link.
I tried it and save the disparity_cost_dump.raw.
But it seems only save one 16-bit cost value for each pixel not 96 byte for each pixel.
I looked at the code at line 16:
parser.add_argument('-dumpdispcost', "--dumpdisparitycostvalues", action="store_true", help="Dumps the disparity cost values for each disparity range. 96 byte for each pixel.")
We should expect to have a dump of 96 cost values for each pixel, is that right?
What else of option I need to turn on to dump the 96 cost values for each pixel?
Thanks a lot for your help again.
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You can uncomment this line to get width*height*96
bytes disparity cost dump:
"You can uncomment this line to get widthheight96 bytes disparity cost dump:
Thank you for the recommendation. Actually I already did that and I examed the disparity_cost_dump.raw only has 1 16-bit integer for each pixel not 96 bytes!
Any other suggestion to dump 96 bytes of cost values for each pixel?
Thank you very much for your help.
Change the line to:
in order to save the raw data. It will save a 98304000 byte long file (1280x800x96)
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Very nice! It works now.
One more question: in order to correspond to the image left/right pixel position of resolution 1280x800, (image_left/right.shape => (800,1280) row index first format), what reshape order should I use (800,1280,96)? or (1280,800,96)?
That is which is correct?
framedata = image.getData().reshape((800,1280,96))
framedata = image.getData().reshape((1280,800,96))
please confirm. Thanks a lot!