Hi erik
Thank you for your quick response first and i have some more question.
1.The way of Camera Calibration - reading, flashing, uploading..? See Calibration section on our examples
==> in the calibration file which calibaration data in there? such as only sensor calibration? or any more and is it same is factory calibration you are doing it the factory?
4.See gen2-pointcloud demos
PS C:\Users\ryan\depthai-experiments\gen2-multiple-devices\rgbd-pointcloud-fusion> python.exe .\main.py
Found 1 devices
[14442C10C1B163D300] [] [8.573] [system] [error] No IR drivers were detected!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\ryan\depthai-experiments\gen2-multiple-devices\rgbd-pointcloud-fusion\camera.py", line 57, in _load_calibration
extrinsics = np.load(path)
File "C:\Users\ryan\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\site-packages\numpy\lib\npyio.py", line 405, in load
fid = stack.enter_context(open(os_fspath(file), "rb"))
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '../multi-cam-calibration/calibration_data/extrinsics_14442C10C1B163D300.npz'
I got above errors especially below error. could you help me how to handle it?
[14442C10C1B163D300] [] [8.573] [system] [error] No IR drivers were detected!
5.On examples page see IMU
PS C:\Users\ryan\depthai-python\examples\IMU> python.exe .\imu_gyroscope_accelerometer.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\ryan\depthai-python\examples\IMU\imu_gyroscope_accelerometer.py", line 49, in <module>
acceleroTs = acceleroValues.getTimestampDevice()
AttributeError: 'depthai.IMUReportAccelerometer' object has no attribute 'getTimestampDevice'
I got the error like above. Could you check below error?
AttributeError: 'depthai.IMUReportAccelerometer' object has no attribute 'getTimestampDevice'
7.See depthai-ros https://github.com/luxonis/depthai-ros
I hope to check one of the option below such as camera_model:. When i use the OAK-D-Pro W(ov9782), how can i set the "camera_model:" option??
roslaunch depthai_examples mobile_publisher.launch camera_model:=OAK-D
Best regards,