Hi, I am interested in connecting an OAK-1-Lite to an ESP32-S3 (via the ESP32-S3's USB host interface.) The ESP32-S3 would be responsible for loading the model, and then receiving recognition events from the OAK-1-Lite. I would not be retrieving video data.

Can anyone comment on whether this is possible? I haven't found any examples on the web, but assume I can't be the only person who would want to do this.



  • erik replied to this.

    Hi Mikehibbett,
    That wouldn't be possible, ESP32 is a microcontroller and can't be used as a host computer in this scenario. I would look for an SBC (signle board computer) which runs linux, eg. RPi or Jetson Nano.
    Thanks, Erik

    The ESP32-S3 has a USB host peripheral, and would be powerful enough to maintain a low speed USB connection. I agree that an SBC would be easier, but this is for a product development that needs to be cost and size optimised. (The Raspberry Pi CM4 would have been ideal, but availability is poor to non existent. )

    I think the question is more of whether the communication protocol over USB is open and can be ported.



    • erik replied to this.

      Hi Mikehibbett ,
      Interesting - if so, I assume it would be possible, but likely a bunch of work would be required to port XLink to work with the esp32 sdk (usb lib). Let us know if you would go down this route of porting XLink library, we might be able to assist you with some pointers.
      Thanks, Erik

      Thanks for the pointer Erik. I'll take a look at XLink. I have limited bandwidth at the moment, but I can imagine there would be a lot of interest should such a library be available, and I'd love to be able to contribute it.



      2 years later

      Hi Mikehibbett,

      just popped into your Post. Did you get anywhere with this plan?

      I am exactly on the same train….

      Thx Dieter

      PS Hi Eric, long time no talk 🙂

      Hi Dieter, not yet - haven't had the time. It's still on my todo list, even after 2 years, as I would see it as a useful 'tool in my toolbox' for the research I do.

      Regards, Mike.