Hi K-LReinhard ,
Here's the API for setting the strobe, via CameraControl message:
* Enable STROBE output on sensor pin, optionally configuring the polarity.
* Note: for many sensors the polarity is high-active and not configurable
CameraControl& setStrobeSensor(int activeLevel = 1);
* Enable STROBE output driven by a MyriadX GPIO, optionally configuring the polarity
* This normally requires a FSIN/FSYNC/trigger input for MyriadX (usually GPIO 41),
* to generate timings
CameraControl& setStrobeExternal(int gpioNumber, int activeLevel = 1);
// TODO API to set strobe line directly high/low (not following the exposure window)
// TODO API to set strobe timings, as offsets in relation to exposure window, or fixed duration
* Disable STROBE output
CameraControl& setStrobeDisable();
colorCam = pipeline.createColorCamera()
colorCam.initialControl.setStrobeExternal(48, 1)
We don't have any color coding, but the pins should be described in HW docs. Thoughts?
Thanks, Erk