Hello, Luxonis's talented engineers!
I meet two problems when using OAK
The Kalibr tool has been compiled and installed in the catkin_ws workspace and is running on all algorithm nodes.

Then I use this file to do calibration and Kalibr works fine.

I use the following code:
cd ~/catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun kalibr kalibr_calibrate_cameras --target april_6x6.yaml --models pinhole-fov --topics /cam0/image_raw --bag dynamic.bag --bag-from-to 5 45

The result is here:

I use OAK-D-IoT-75 and rosbag to get RGB data and save it as a bag for calibration tasks.
#rosbag record -O xxx.bag topic-name
rosbag record -O /home/zdl/bag-data/oakd-IoT-75_MonoRGB3.bag /oakd/rgb/image_raw

The calibration board uses a checkerboard grid with 11 rows x 8 columns and a size of 20mm. 
yaml file is here:

The kalibr_calibrate_cameras node of the Kalibr tool is then called to calibrate the rgb image, running the following command:
rosrun kalibr kalibr_calibrate_cameras \
--target checkboard_11x8.yaml \
--bag oakd-IoT-75_MonoRGB3.bag \
--models pinhole-fov \
--topics /oakd/rgb/image_raw
I meet this problem. The program process is stuck and not moving and cannot be processed correctly.