hi @erik
thanks for you response.
I downloaded your code with MRE and ran on my pc having Ubuntu 22.04. I uninstalled depthai and reinstalled
I am getting following error after half a minute;
I then downloaded gen2 age and gender demo files from github and ran main.py and it just got stuck on the initialization;
Let me elaborate on the 2nd question in my previous post regarding -90 degree rotation;
The question is about wrong gender inference when script node is used with -90 degree rotation.
After the script node is initialized i.e. "image_manip_script.setScript" , following line of code is executed;
cam.preview.link(image_manip_script.inputs['preview']) <--- (this line present in your gen2 age-gender demo)
The gender inference was coming out wrong so i wanted to check the preview input frame used by the script node so i added following line in the script node
Then i added following xlinkout node to check the frame used by the script node;
frame_xout = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut)
When i did imshow on the frame_xout what i found was that its was not rotated -90degree and the inference was off mark i.e. wrong gender result
if you check my first post on the pastebin, these lines are present but commented;
then what i did was replaced cam.preview.link(image_manip_script.inputs['preview']) with following line;
and that showed rotated image and also the gender inference was correct.
so my question is, Is it correct to use manipRgb.out.link instead of cam.preview.link to the script node?
Sorry to be a pain but we are at a stage of DepthAI integration with our digital signage software where time is running out for us and the success of our solution depends upon the accuracy and stability of Depthai integration before we can proceed for POC. so any help would be highly appreciated.
we are testing 2 versions of depthai implementation;
1. Option 1 - Use script node which we are discussing in this post
2. Option 2 - without script node using dai.NNData() on each detection for age/gender and expression inference which seem to be slower then option 1.
Any guidance or help would be highly appreciated.