First, this is a game changing product. I had a few applications ideas for it, and was wondering if these were at least feasible with the current product state from a computer vision perspective. Couldn't find any specs on number of targets and performance at speed:
Identifying diameter / speed / direction of natural free falling hail stones during a storm in realtime. (multiple targets (say unto 20) at the same time (40-100mph). Accuracy of diameter to within a few mm's.
Scanning for hail after a storm has passed by passing the device at waist height over the ground. (identifying hail in grass and diameters)
Scanning a static foam surface with dents in (5mm - 10cm) and calculating the volume of the invdividual dents. Dents could be colored to make vision identification easier.
Just wanted to get an idea if these are realistic applications before I dig in. Thanks