Hey all! I just created this #introductions category, so figured I should start it off!
My name is Patrick Griffith. I became involved with AiPi by way of being friends with @Brandon and having a sufficiently different skill set so as to be useful! Brandon and I met playing ultimate frisbee about 18 months ago and almost instantly became good friends, and we've had a thirst to work together that wasn't quenched until Brandon came up with the idea for Commute Guardian and offered to let me hop on board.
I graduated from UDel in 2009 with a Comp Sci degree, then worked a bit for a network engineering company, then did some front-end work for a few different companies, then started doing design work - all with some entrepreneurial ventures interspersed - and over that 10 year period I've transitioned so far in the "right brain" direction that I now consider myself more of a designer and copywriter than a programmer, though having the ability to program (which I still do often) I think makes me uniquely suited to create effective designs and write effective copy for this world.
That said, I have 0 hardware experience, so I - as of this moment - am pretty much useless WRT this AiPi project, except that I can do the "extra" things like create this community, set up servers, etc. So... while I might be reaching out to some of you personally, I'll simultaneously probs not be effectively answering many of your questions! Though soon, when Commute Guardian starts to earn more of our focus, I plan on being pretty damn valuable. 'Cuz a bicycle is one piece of hardware that I DO understand!
For fun I mostly like to travel, play (but not watch) sports, and throw myself into uncomfortable learning experiences. Right now I'm in Montevideo, Uruguay with my partner Capers taking 20 hours of Spanish classes per week. We're here for 7 weeks total, after which I'll settle down and hit the work hammer hard(er) for a bit, and then travel south again next time the dreadful Portland winter comes around.
And here are a few pics so you can get to know me a bit better!

Tata for now!