I'm trying to get the example code for the OAk-D Lite working with models from Roboflow, the American Sign Language model that comes with the example doesn't throw any error, but alsdo doesn't show a visualisation and if I change to a different model, I get an error when it downloads it, for example this code gives the error below.
from depthai_sdk import OakCamera
# Download & deploy a model from Roboflow Universe
# https://universe.roboflow.com
with OakCamera() as oak:
color = oak.create_camera('color')
model_config = {
'source': 'roboflow', # Specify that we are downloading the model from Roboflow
'key':'XXXX' # FAKE Private API key, replace with your own!
nn = oak.create_nn(model_config, color)
oak.visualize(nn, fps=True)
Downloading 'License Plate Recognition' model from Roboflow server
Downloaded the model to /Users/stuart/.cache/roboflow-models/roboflow.zip
Downloading /Users/stuart/.cache/blobconverter/license-plate-recognition-rxg4e_6_openvino_2021.4_6shave.blob...
"exit_code": 1,
"message": "Command failed with exit code 1, command: /opt/intel/openvino2021_4/deployment_tools/inference_engine/lib/intel64/myriad_compile -m /tmp/blobconverter/5a59f6f399e140f38584ef0703bcf506/license-plate-recognition-rxg4e_6/FP16/license-plate-recognition-rxg4e_6.xml -o /tmp/blobconverter/5a59f6f399e140f38584ef0703bcf506/license-plate-recognition-rxg4e_6/FP16/license-plate-recognition-rxg4e_6.blob -c /tmp/blobconverter/5a59f6f399e140f38584ef0703bcf506/myriad_compile_config.txt -ip U8",
"stderr": "Unknown model format! Cannot find reader for model format: xml and read the model: /tmp/blobconverter/5a59f6f399e140f38584ef0703bcf506/license-plate-recognition-rxg4e_6/FP16/license-plate-recognition-rxg4e_6.xml. Please check that reader library exists in your PATH.\n",
"stdout": "Inference Engine: \n\tIE version ......... 2021.4.2\n\tBuild ........... 2021.4.2-3974-e2a469a3450-releases/2021/4\n"
I'm not sure why the visualisation window doesn't pop up with models that don't throw an error, and I'm not sure why I'm getting that error.
OSX 14.6.1, Python 3.12.4