Just wanted to make clear that this message inspired me to look for solutions, leading to the fact the the active USB needs another external power input, and normally it connects in the end point of the cable (the female port).
I tried to connect it to some external power, and it still didn't work - unless I connected the male port of the USB directly into the laptop (or the motherboard of the PC).
I can't tell why it doesn't work when the male port connects to the Display hub, that connects in turn into the laptop (or the motherboard of the PC).
But then it does work.
Another tweak I've noticed to work: First connect the female active end point to an external power, only afterwards connect the male end point to the PC/laptop/Motherboard/hub. The other way, for some reason, doesn't work.
here's a code I used to check the connectivity:
# import depthai as dai
# # Initialize the DepthAI device
# try:
# pipeline = dai.Pipeline()
# with dai.Device(pipeline,maxUsbSpeed=dai.UsbSpeed.HIGH) as device:
# print("Device booted successfully!")
# except Exception as e:
# print(f"Failed to boot the device: {e}")
import depthai as dai
pipeline = dai.Pipeline()
with dai.Device(pipeline) as device:
# USB Speed
usb_speed = device.getUsbSpeed()
print(f"USB Speed: {usb_speed.name}")
# Device Info
info = device.getDeviceInfo()
print(f"Device MxId: {info.getMxId()}")
# Memory Usage
cmx_mem = device.getCmxMemoryUsage()
print(f"CMX Memory - Used: {cmx_mem.used} / Total: {cmx_mem.total}")
ddr_mem = device.getDdrMemoryUsage()
print(f"DDR Memory - Used: {ddr_mem.used} / Total: {ddr_mem.total}")
# Chip Temperature
temperatures = device.getChipTemperature()
print(f"CSS Temperature: {temperatures.css} °C")
print(f"MSS Temperature: {temperatures.mss} °C")
print(f"UPA Temperature: {temperatures.upa} °C")
# XLink Chunk Size
chunk_size = device.getXLinkChunkSize()
print(f"XLink Chunk Size: {chunk_size} bytes")
# Pipeline Status
is_running = device.isPipelineRunning()
print(f"Pipeline running: {is_running}")
Here's the output once the signal stability is too low:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "...\scripts\connectivity_test.py", line 16, in <module>
with dai.Device(pipeline) as device:
RuntimeError: Failed to find device after booting, error message: X_LINK_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND
Here's the output when the setup is complete as mentioned above:
Device MxId: 18.....<some_digits>....00
CMX Memory - Used: 2170880 / Total: 2621440
DDR Memory - Used: 131072 / Total: 349452031
CSS Temperature: 27.639347076416016 °C
MSS Temperature: 26.164669036865234 °C
UPA Temperature: 24.68082046508789 °C
XLink Chunk Size: 65536 bytes
Pipeline running: True